Chinese AI Startup Brings Diabetes Prediction to Shanghai Hospital

Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2018

Leading Chinese AI startup 4Paradigm has announced a strategic partnership with Shanghai’s Ruijin Hospital on AI application in healthcare, especially chronic health conditions. The two today unveiled their first AI-backed diabetes prediction and management product, “Rui Ning Zhi Tang,” which predicts diabetes and diabetic cardiovascular complications risk in the next three years and provides assessments and personalized solutions for disease prevention and control.

Ruijin is one of the most highly reputed hospitals in China. Its Department of Endocrinology has topped national endocrinology rankings for eight consecutive years. Ruijin also leads the National Metabolic Clinical Research Center and the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Health. Beijing-based 4Paradigm meanwhile is an expert in transfer learning with funding this year from three major Chinese state-owned banks. The partnership aims at changing the way chronic diseases are detected and managed, with an emphasis on early-stage detection.

Due to the low accuracy of chronic disease screening, the difficulty of targeted intervention, and the lack of health management tools, only 30 percent of Chinese adults with diabetes are aware they have the condition, according to the Ruijing Hospital.

“Artificial Intelligence could greatly help control and prevent chronic diseases when medical resources are in short supply or unevenly allocated. ‘Rui Ning Zhi Tang’ can not only raise public awareness of self-care, but also personalize healthcare solutions to manage diabetes. 4Paradigm and its AI technology give us a lot of confidence,” says Ruijin Hospital VP and Research Team head Ning Guang.

Author: Jessie Geng | Editor: Michael Sarazen

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