India and South Korea Sign MoUs on Science & Innovation Technologies

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2 min readJul 10, 2018

The Government of India announced today that it has signed five memorandums of understanding (MoU) with South Korea to strengthen bilateral ties in the development of innovative technologies. The agreements were concluded at the Fourth India-Korea Science & Technology Ministers Steering Committee Meeting this week in New Delhi.

The MoUs call for India and South Korea to cooperate in artificial intelligence, the IoT (Internet of Things), biotechnology, and semiconductors. They also link India’s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the South Korea National Research Council, IIT Mumbai and the Korea Institute of Science & Technology “to further accelerate future-oriented cooperation in their respective sectors.”

In addition, a Future Strategy Group will be formed to build a “collaborative platform that can utilize the potential of both the countries towards fostering innovation and create impact which is of social and economic good.” The platform will help fund R&D projects in Digital Transformation, Future Manufacturing, Future Utilities and Health Care.

Both countries also ratified the “Programme of Cooperation in the field of Science and Technology for 2018–21” to promote exchanges in science, tech and innovation.

Indian Minister for Science & Technology Dr Harsh Vardhan said, “India can lead the newly industrialising countries in developing and adopting affordable technologies and processes, and demonstrate a growth path and low energy consumption pattern that would be more sustainable than that of the industrial countries.”

Author: Robert Tian | Editor: Michael Sarazen

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