“Mass entrepreneurship and innovation” in London : Advanced wearable technology

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4 min readDec 15, 2015
Synced interviewed with Chu Wang , the founder of Blocks Wearable

1. Could you use 3 words or one sentence to brief introduce your product(service) to Chinese readers?

The world’s first modular smartwatch — the only smart watch you will ever need

2. In your industry, who is your most admirable opponent?

Pebble time, Apple Watch

3. Compared to traditional wearable device, what are the advantages of Blocks Wearables?

Modularity, Open platform, Infinite choices

Modularity makes Blocks suitable for everyone personally. Every person is different and has his/her own lifestyle, and therefore one device can never fit all. Blocks modules allow users to select different feature blocks to meet their personal needs in different circumstances. In addition, modularity also means that a user does not need to spend another hundreds of pounds to purchase a completely new generation watch for only one or two new features. He/she just needs to buy the new feature modules (£10–20), and keep the core and other modules as they are.

Open platform allows all the software and hardware developers/companies to build up their own blocks and connect to the existing blocks core and other blocks modules.

Infinite choices means that blocks modules can be anything and it is future-proof. Any new idea, cross-disciplinary innovations, or wearable technology can be implemented as blocks modules. For example, we will be working on biosensor module later on, to specially use for medical/clinical applications.

4. Among the many wearable devices, how do you see the advantages of smart watches ? In addition to the communication, monitoring and positioning functions, what potential applications will smart watch have? What features are you most excited about ?

Compared to other wearable devices, smart watches can be a better seamless fit to daily life. Instead of a additional smart band or other wearable devices, people wear watches all the time, and they will expect their watch to be smart and give them all the necessary physiological parameters that they need, rather than another thing to be worn or worried. So mentally, less resistance.

Apart from the general function that you can find in any wearable device, the potential direction of development of smart watches is to be more personally and application-specific. Ultimately, a smartwatch should incorporate with big data and be an advanced personal health and activity assistant, facilitating people’s daily life and preventing any potential health risk.

5. In the smart phone industry , the concept of modular is eye-catching , but financing and development are difficult. Do you think in the field of wearable, the situation will change and why?

Every bit of new technology and development is difficult. We have been working on modular smartwatches for 2 years and confronted with lots of technical difficulties, but we still believe the future of modular device is very bright, as its inherent unbeatable features as discussed. We aim at providing a truly open platform via blocks, to attract more talented engineers and more attentions from public. Once people start to accept the modular concept, financing and development will become much easier. I believe Blocks modular smartwatch can carry the flag and expand the field of modular wearables.

6. Do you have any comments or feedback for the China-Britain Joint Science & Technology Summit?

As held for the first year, This summit has been a great success. It offers the opportunities for start-ups, researchers, and investors to meet up and share experience. I sincerely hope the summit can be better and better.

The first China-Britain Joint Science and Technology Summit was held in Imperial College London successfully in 2015, October 24th. Synced Technology Company as one the partners of this summit, attended this event.
After Chairman Xi’s British trip and the visit of Imperial College London, holding the first China-Britain Technology Cooperation Summit is to response to the call “Mass entrepreneurship and innovation” of Premier Li, so that deepen the technological cooperation between China and UK. With the great support of Imperial College London and the Chinese Ambassador in the UK, the technological exchange and cooperation event that organized by the Chinese Students and Scholars Association aims to build a bridge of innovative technology between China and UK through this event, and realizing the technological achievements of UK industrialized in Chinese market as soon as possible, so that promote the development of technology in China and UK, moreover, all around the world.

As the partner of this summit, Synced Technology Company did interviews to the companies which attended this event. The interviewees include: Jozef Dobos: The founder of Repo 3D ; Chu Wang: The founder of Blocks Wearable; Will Eastcott: PlayCanavas ; Jasmine Jiang: The Club of Cambridge Entrepreneurs.

Report Group Members: Tobey Jiaxin HangWu Billy Rita | Editor: Synced




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