Meet TQP: The First Query Processor to Run On Tensor Computation Runtimes Delivers up to 20x Speedups Over CPU-Only Systems

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4 min readMar 4, 2022


If data is AI’s fuel, then compute is its engine. The ever-growing computational requirements of contemporary AI systems have driven investments and R&D on specialized hardware and on building and supporting runtimes and compilers for AI, with leading industry players and open-source communities alike applying enormous efforts to building software that targets AI workloads.

In the new paper Query Processing on Tensor Computation Runtimes, a research team from the University of Washington, UC San Diego and Microsoft prototypes Tensor Query Processor (TQP), a query processor that runs atop tensor computation runtimes (TCRs) such as PyTorch, TVM, and ONNX Runtime. The researchers say TQP is the first query processor to run on TCRs, and demonstrate its ability to improve query execution time by up to 20x over CPU-only systems and up to 5x over specialized GPU solutions.

The team summarizes their main contributions as:

  1. We show that the tensor interface of TCRs is expressive enough to support all common relational operators.




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