Predicting Downstream Model Performance at Early Training Stages: A New Perspective on Neural Network Selection via Edge Dynamics

Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2022


Fine-tuning pretrained large-scale deep neural networks (NN) for downstream tasks has become the status quo in the deep learning community. A challenge facing researchers is how to efficiently select the most appropriate pretrained model for a given downstream task, as this process typically entails expensive computational costs in model training for performance prediction.

In the new paper Neural Capacitance: A New Perspective of Neural Network Selection via Edge Dynamics, a research team from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Thomas J. Watson Research Center and the University of California, Los Angeles proposes a novel framework for effective NN selection for downstream tasks. The method is designed to forecast the predictive ability of a model with its cumulative information, and to save resources by doing so in the early phase of NN training.

The team summarizes their contributions as:

  1. View NN training as a dynamical system over synaptic connections, and first time investigate the interactions of synaptic…




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