UK & France Partner on AI

Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2018

The Alan Turing Institute in the UK and France’s DATAIA Institute have concluded an arrangement to collaborate in the arena of artificial intelligence and data science, part of a five-year commitment between the two countries to improve digital services.

The leading research institutions’ partnership will be characterized by “fairness and transparency in the design and implementation of algorithms,” “sharing expertise,” “hosting joint workshops and funding calls,” etc.

Said Alan Turing Institute CEO Alan Wilson: “The Institute and DATAIA both share a vision for building research in data science and AI which crosses disciplinary boundaries and recognises the societal implications of data and algorithms. It is a pleasure to kickstart this engagement and we look forward to working with DATAIA to advance UK and French excellence in this area.”

The announcements came at the UK-France Digital Colloque summit in France, which drew more than 350 businesses, researchers and officials from both countries. UK Digital Secretary Matt Hancock and French Secretary of State for Digital Mounir Majoubi also committed to extending cooperation on innovation, artificial intelligence, data and digital administration.

Secretary Hancock also announced that London-based startup accelerator Entrepreneur Firstwill open a Paris office to help talent and business development in France. “As we continue our global expansion we’re looking forward to working with France’s future founders and strengthening the ties between business and investors in both countries,” said Entrepreneur First Co-founder and CEO Matt Clifford.

Author: Mos Zhang | Editor: Michael Sarazen

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