What’s New in Syncfusion Blazor: 2023 Volume 3

What’s New in Syncfusion Blazor: 2023 Volume 3

Jollen Moyani


The Syncfusion Blazor library offers 80+ UI and data visualization components that are responsive and lightweight for building modern web apps.

This blog will highlight some of the most notable updates in the Syncfusion Blazor suite for the 2023 Volume 3 release.

.NET 8 support

Syncfusion Blazor components are now compatible with .NET version 8. This means that developers can now use the latest version of .NET with Syncfusion’s Blazor components.

In the upcoming 2023 Volume 4 release, Syncfusion will introduce its NuGet package, the full potential of .NET 8, including its latest features and enhancements. This ensures that developers can stay up-to-date and take advantage of the cutting-edge capabilities offered by both Syncfusion and .NET 8.

Showcase samples in Diagram component

In 2023 Volume 3, we’ve introduced new showcase samples that highlight the real-time use cases of our Blazor Diagram component. These samples have been meticulously designed for both Blazor Server and WebAssembly app environments. These showcase samples are a valuable resource for gaining insight into how our Blazor Diagram component can be effectively utilized in real-world scenarios.

Here’s a quick overview of the showcase samples.

Showcase samples in Blazor Diagram component

Preview to production-ready components

The Blazor PDF Viewer component has been developed to meet industry standards and is now marked production-ready.

Performance enhancements

Our commitment to enhancing the performance of Syncfusion Blazor components remains unwavering. In the 2023 Volume 3 release, several components have received performance optimizations, ensuring a smoother and more efficient user experience.

PDF Viewer (Next-Gen)

The Blazor PDF Viewer (Next-Gen) component’s performance has been significantly improved. The initial loading performance has been boosted by 65% for large-sized documents in Blazor Server apps and by 35% in Blazor WASM apps. The comment panel rendering and interaction performance have also been improved, especially in the WebAssembly environment.


We have enhanced the performance of lazy loading while grouping the foreignkey column in the Blazor DataGrid.


On-demand data loading support in the Blazor Scheduler allows users to retrieve events from remote services for the current viewport alone and retrieve the remaining data on demand while scrolling.

Pivot Table

Single page mode allows only the current view page to be displayed during virtual scrolling operations when virtualization is enabled in the Blazor Pivot Table. It enhances the Pivot Table’s performance, especially in Blazor WASM apps, for UI actions like drill up or down, sorting, and filtering, which occur two times faster than in earlier versions.


The initial rendering performance of the Blazor TreeGrid is up to 35% faster. This enhancement results in a quicker and more responsive loading experience for users.

Rich Text Editor

The new PreventRender method enhances the performance of the Blazor Rich Text Editor. It prevents the unnecessary rerendering of the component, especially in Blazor WASM apps.


The new features included in the Blazor DataGrid are as follows.

Infinite scrolling

Infinite scrolling is an advanced feature that enhances performance while loading large data sets. It employs a lazy-loading concept, where data is fetched and displayed dynamically as the scrollbar reaches the end of the scroller. This eliminates the need for traditional pagination, offering a seamless way to load extensive data sets into the DataGrid component.

With the introduction of InfiniteScrollSettings, you can fine-tune data loading when infinite scrolling is enabled. To enable this feature, simply set the EnableInfiniteScrolling property to true and specify the content height using the Height property.

Refer to the following code example.

<SfGrid DataSource="@GridData" Height="410" Width="auto" EnableInfiniteScrolling="true">

Note: For more details, refer to the infinite scrolling in the Blazor DataGrid demo.

GraphQL adaptor

The GraphQL adaptor allows data retrieval and manipulation within the Blazor DataGrid. With this feature, users can effortlessly fetch data and perform a wide range of actions, including CRUD operations, filtering, searching, aggregations, grouping, paging, and sorting. The GraphQL adaptor simplifies data access and manipulation, resulting in a seamless and highly efficient user experience.

To get started, configure the SfDataManager component using the following settings. This configuration is essential for seamless integration with GraphQL services, enabling your app to use GraphQL for data operations.

<SfDataManager Url="https://yourUrl" GraphQLAdaptorOptions=@adaptorOptions Adaptor="Adaptors.GraphQLAdaptor"></SfDataManager>

Virtual scrolling with overscan count

The virtual scrolling with overscan count feature is designed to enhance the performance of the grid by prerendering additional rows both before and after the viewport. This strategic prerendering minimizes the need for frequent data fetch requests during vertical scrolling.

To implement overscan count in your app, simply set the OverscanCount property to your desired value, as in the following code.

<SfGrid DataSource="@GridData" Height="410" RowHeight="38" OverscanCount="5" EnableVirtualization="true" > ...... </SfGrid>

Note: For more details, refer to the example of the Virtual Mask Row in Blazor DataGrid.

New data types

In the Blazor DataGrid, we’ve included support for the following new data types within the enum ColumnType:

  • Integer
  • Long
  • Double
  • Decimal

You can easily utilize these data types by specifying them within the GridColumn configurations, like in the following code example.

<SfGrid DataSource="@Orders"> 
<GridColumn Type="ColumnType.Integer"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Type="ColumnType.Double"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Type="ColumnType.Long"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Type="ColumnType.Decimal"></GridColumn>

Action Begin/Complete events

New events will trigger before and after every action. These new events significantly expand your ability to tailor and enhance your interactions within the grid.

For example:

  • PageChanging: This event is triggered when a page change is initiated.
  • PageChanged: This event is triggered after a page change has been completed.

Other enhancements

We’ve made some breaking changes in the DataGrid component and some minor improvements, too:

Gantt Chart

From the 2023 Volume 3 release onward, the Blazor Gantt Chart supports the following new features.

Multiple taskbars in the resource view

You can easily visualize multiple tasks assigned to each resource in a row, even when the records are in a collapsed state. With the display of multiple taskbars, users can quickly identify and analyze resource workloads and task assignments.

Refer to the following code example.

<GanttTaskbarSettings EnableMultiTaskbar="true" AllowTaskbarDragAndDrop="@taskbarUpdate">
Multiple taskbars in Blazor Gantt Chart resource view
Multiple taskbars in Blazor Gantt Chart resource view

Note: For more details, refer to the multiple taskbars in the Blazor Gantt Chart resource view demo.

Clone elements for taskbar editing

The user interface for taskbar resizing and moving actions is now better in the Gantt Chart. Now, when users perform taskbar resizing or dragging, a cloned element will be displayed instead of updating the original taskbar element. This cloned element remains visible until the action is completed, providing users with a clear representation of the changes they are making.

Clone elements for taskbar editing in Blazor Gantt Chart
Clone elements for taskbar editing in Blazor Gantt Chart

Note: For more details, refer to the clone elements for taskbar editing in the Blazor Gantt Chart demo.

Pivot Table

The new features added in the Blazor Pivot Table are as follows.

Data label template in the pivot chart

With the addition of template support, users can now display pivot charts with customized data label content for each data point.

Customizing the chart data labels using templates in Blazor Pivot Table
Customizing the chart data labels using templates in Blazor Pivot Table

Custom radius support for pie chart series

Users can now render each series of a pie chart with a different radius.

Custom radius support for pie chart series in Blazor Pivot Table
Custom radius support for pie chart series in Blazor Pivot Table


The Blazor Scheduler now supports the following new features.

On-demand data loading (lazy loading)

On-demand data loading allows users to retrieve events from remote services for just the current view port and retrieves the remaining data on demand while scrolling, which improves the performance and usability of the Scheduler component.

Refer to the following code example.

<SfSchedule TValue="EventData" Width="100%" Height="700px">

<ScheduleView Option="View.TimelineMonth" EnableLazyLoading="true" IsSelected="true"></ScheduleView>
<ScheduleView Option="View.Month" EnableLazyLoading="true"></ScheduleView>
On-demand loading in Blazor Scheduler
On-demand loading in Blazor Scheduler

Note: For more details, refer to the on-demand loading in the Blazor Scheduler demo.

Editor window customization

Users can now customize the header and footer of the built-in editor window in the Scheduler. Refer to the following code example.

Customizing the built-in editor window in Blazor Scheduler
Customizing the built-in editor window in Blazor Scheduler

Note: For more details, refer to customizing the built-in editor window in the Blazor Scheduler demo.

Image Editor

The Blazor Image Editor component adds the following user-friendly updates.

Image annotation

Users can insert and display multiple images in addition to the main image they are editing. These image annotations can be used for various purposes, such as adding logos, watermarks, or decorative elements to the image.

Image annotation in Blazor Image Editor
Image annotation in Blazor Image Editor

Note: For more details, refer to the image annotation in the Blazor Image Editor demo.

Resize full image

Users can adjust the dimensions of an image to suit their needs, such as printing, web display, or other purposes.

Resizing an image using Blazor Image Editor
Resizing an image using Blazor Image Editor

Note: For more details, refer to the resizing an image using Blazor Image Editor demo.

Frame support

Frames can enhance the visual appeal of an image. The Blazor Image Editor allows users to add decorative borders or frames around images.

Frame support in Blazor Image Editor
Frame support in Blazor Image Editor

Note: For more details, refer to the frame support in the Blazor Image Editor demo.

Full-view support in Calendar and Pickers

The adaptive view feature in our Blazor Calendar and Picker components is designed to enhance the mobile user experience when selecting dates and times. This feature is precious for apps that rely heavily on date and time selection.

To experience this feature, load any Blazor date or time picker samples on a mobile device.

When you set the FullScreen property to true, the picker’s pop-up will expand to occupy the entire screen. This feature is available across all theme layouts, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing user experience.

Refer to the following code example.

<SfDatePicker TValue="DateTime?" Placeholder="Choose a Date" FullScreen="true" ShowClearButton="true"></SfDatePicker>
Full-screen view support in Blazor Calendar and picker components
Full-screen view support in Blazor Calendar and picker components


The Blazor Map component delivers the following new features in this Volume 3 release.

Polygon shape rendering

Users can draw and display appropriate polygon shapes over the main layer of the Blazor Maps component using their data sources.

Polygon shape rendering in Blazor Maps
Polygon shape rendering in Blazor Maps

Data label animation

An animated transition will occur on the initial rendering of data labels in Blazor Maps but not during dynamic updates.

Tooltip position in Stock Chart

The Blazor Stock Chart allows users to enable tooltips to move with the mouse. Refer to the following image.

Tooltip placement enhancements in Blazor Stock Chart
Tooltip placement enhancements in Blazor Stock Chart

Note: For more details, refer to the tooltip positioning in the Blazor Stock Chart demo.

Label customization in the Heatmap chart

Users can now add custom elements like text, tables, and images to add more information to a Heatmap chart’s cells.

Label customization in the Blazor Heatmap chart
Label customization in the Blazor Heatmap chart

Table titles and descriptions in Word Processor

You can add or edit the title and description of a table in a Word document using the Blazor Word Processor. Explore our online demo for more details.


Thanks for reading! In this blog, we have seen the new features and components rolled out in the Syncfusion Blazor suite for the 2023 Volume 3 release. Try out these user-friendly updates and give us feedback in the comments below.

Also, check out our Release Notes and the What’s New pages to see the other available features in the 2023 Volume 3 release.

The new version is available for existing customers on the License and Downloads page. If you are not a Syncfusion customer, try our 30-day free trial to check out our controls’ features.

For questions, you can reach us through our support forum, support portal, or feedback portal. We are always happy to assist you!

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Originally published at https://www.syncfusion.com on October 6, 2023.



Jollen Moyani

As a content editor at Syncfusion, I am passionate about technology and dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and trends in the industry.