2021 SynchroLife Award Announced! The Top 100 Restaurants Loved by Japan’s Foodies in 2021

Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2022

December 29, 2021 — Press Release

GINKAN Inc., the managing company of the token economy based social restaurant review service SynchroLife announced the 2021 SynchroLife Award, revealing the top 100 restaurants in Japan loved by foodies in 2021 along with the top 50 best eaters of SynchroLife in 2021.

2021 SynchroLife Award

The 2021 SynchroLife Award is presented to the top 100 restaurants that attracted the most foodies in 2021 as well as the top 50 users who contributed the most to SynchroLife in 2021. This first ever SynchroLife Award chose the top 100 restaurants based on user reviews, repeat visit rates, restaurant views, bookmarks, and other unique indicators. To learn more about the chosen restaurants and top users, please see the award site below.

2021 SynchroLife Awards site: https://c.synchrolife.io/campaign/2021_award

All restaurants presented with the 2021 SynchroLife Award will receive a sticker in the mail as well as a special award on their restaurant page within SynchroLife. Users chosen as the best eaters of SynchroLife will also receive a special emblem on their profile.

The SynchroLife Award will be presented again every December in future years.

2021 SynchroLife Awards “Top 100 Restaurants Loved By Foodies”

* Please note restaurant names have been left in their original Japanese and the restaurants are in random order

・麺屋 彩未(Hokkaido)
・Japanese Ramen Noodle Lab Q(Hokkaido)
・けやき すすきの本店 (欅)(Hokkaido)
・らーめん 信玄 南6条店(Hokkaido)
・餃子と担々麺 吟(Miyagi)
・銀座 八五(Tokyo)
・麺処 ほん田 秋葉原本店(Tokyo)
・ひなと丸 雷門柳小路店(Tokyo)
・日本橋海鮮丼 つじ半 日本橋本店(Tokyo)
・青島食堂 秋葉原店(Tokyo)
・日本橋 天丼 金子半之助 本店(Tokyo)
・銀座 朧月(Tokyo)
・吉祥寺 肉ドレス海鮮丼 本店(Tokyo)
・羅豚 ギンザ・グラッセ(Tokyo)
・神楽坂 翔山亭 黒毛和牛贅沢重専門店 神楽坂本店(Tokyo)
・egg baby cafe(Tokyo)
・つけめん さなだ(Tokyo)
・坦々麺 一龍(Tokyo)
・日本橋 ぼんぼり(Tokyo)
・創作麺工房 鳴龍(Tokyo)
・むぎとオリーブ 日本橋店(Tokyo)
・銀座 篝 本店(Tokyo)
・塩生姜らー麺専門店 MANNISH(Tokyo)
・金沢まいもん寿司 上野店(Tokyo)
・尾張屋 本店(Tokyo)
・宍道湖しじみ中華蕎麦 琥珀(Tokyo)
・馬賊 日暮里店(Tokyo)
・麺酒処 ぶらり(Tokyo)
・中華蕎麦 にし乃(Tokyo)
・山家 上野店(Tokyo)
・ヴェンキ 銀座店 (Venchi)(Tokyo)
・あつた蓬莱軒 本店(Aichi)
・コナズ珈琲 御殿場店(Shizuoka)
・味仙 矢場店(Aichi)
・濃厚中華そば 佐とう(Aichi)
・炭焼きレストランさわやか 新静岡セノバ店(Shizuoka)
・長田本庄軒 三宮センタープラザ店(Hyogo)
・無鉄砲 本店(Kyoto)
・海鮮食堂 つなや(Wakayama)
・中華蕎麦 葛(Osaka)
・スプリングバレーブルワリー 京都(Kyoto)
・自家製太麺 ドカ盛 マッチョ 三ノ宮店(Hyogo)
・神戸ステーキレストラン・モーリヤ 三宮店(Hyogo)
・唐戸市場 活きいき馬関街(Yamaguchi)
・元祖瓦そば たかせ 本館(Yamaguchi)
・まかない食堂 極味や 福岡パルコ店(Fukuoka)
・赤坂 こみかん(Fukuoka)
・とんかつ わか葉(Fukuoka)
・ざいとん 警固店(Fukuoka)
・ごはんや 飯すけ(Fukuoka)
・Ristorante fanfare(Fukuoka)
・焼売酒場 いしい(Fukuoka)

For more please see the 2021 SynchroLife Awards site: https://c.synchrolife.io/campaign/2021_award

About SynchroLife

SynchroLife is a restaurant discovery social media platform where food lovers around the world can uncover the best restaurants normally hidden by web search results and advertising. SynchroLife solves the problems of untrustworthy reviews and nontransparent search results by using AI to analyze each user’s likes and dislikes to give personalized recommendations. SynchroLife currently has over 320,000 restaurant reviews for over 120,000 restaurants, and is available in over 155 countries and four languages (English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean).

SynchroLife aims to democratize restaurant reviews and includes the world’s first system for earning cryptocurrency point rewards for posting restaurant reviews. SynchroLife users can also earn cashback points for dining at participating restaurants. SynchroLife is working to solve marketing problems for the restaurant industry by offering a risk-free and results-based compensation (5% fee) marketing platform for restaurants with zero upfront costs.

SynchroLife for Business: https://business.synchrolife.jp/
SynchroLife Mobile App: https://www.synchrolife.io/


- Company Name: GINKAN, Inc.
- Address: Shin-Yurakucho Building 11F, 1–12–1, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100–0006
- Representative: CEO Tomochika Kamiya
- Established: December 2015
- Website: http://ginkan.jp/index_en.html

SynchroLife Mobile App

iPhone (For iPhone 5s and up, iOS 11.2 and up)
Android (For Android 6.0 and up)

Learn More

・Official Website: https://www.synchrolife.io
・SynchroCoin Project Website: https://synchrolife.org/
・SynchroCoin Project Blog: https://medium.com/synchrocoin
・Partner Restaurant Website: https://business.synchrolife.jp/
・Telegram: https://t.me/synchrocoin
・Twitter: https://twitter.com/synchrocoin
・Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/synchrocoin




SynchroLife is the app loved by eaters — the world's first social restaurant review platform with crypto rewards and a token economy! Join today!