Current Features of the SynchroLife Beta App

Published in
8 min readSep 14, 2017

As you may already know, SynchroLife is building the world’s first blockchain based restaurant recommendation platform, providing trustworthy restaurant information and reviews worldwide by rewarding reviewers with tokens. 🍴

A beta of the SynchroLife platform (without blockchain and token technology) already exists and we have been testing it in Japan and recently opened it to users worldwide. SynchroLife is currently available as an app for iOS and Android smartphones, with over 30,000 active users and over 100,000 downloads. With our upcoming token crowdsale, we plan to further develop and grow the existing SynchroLife by adding the SynchroCoin token and other blockchain technology.

In today’s blog post, we take a look at the major features currently avaliable in the beta version of SynchroLife. Keep reading for details about what SynchroLife can do now!

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1. Usable worldwide

Avaliable worldwide and in multiple languages!

The current SynchroLife international beta app is avaliable for use in over 155 countries worldwide and four languages (English, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean). We plan to add new languages and new countries in the near future as we continue developing the platform, based on the needs from the community.

The SynchroLife app was originally beta testing in Japan and Japanese only, and we currently have a strong user base of over 30,000 actives users in Japan. Japanese users have posted ratings of restaurants in all 47 of Japan’s prefectures, even including remote islands! Our Japanese foodies are sharing good food from everywhere!

Since opening the app up for use outside of Japan in summer 2017, restaurant ratings have been posted in over 25 new countries around the world from Europe, Asia, and both North and South America. 🌐

We are just starting to build our international community and although many countries still have limited features, you can still get started posting restaurants from your country of residence today! Join now to build up a following and reputation so you’ll be ahead of the game when token rewards start next spring! 👑

Countries in red indicate countries where SynchroLife users have already started rating restaurants! 🍴

2. Available for iPhone and Android smartphones

The SynchroLife beta mobile app is avaliable for both iPhone and Android smartphones. It completely free to download and register, so check it out! 📲

iOS App Store (iPhone):
Google Play (Android):

We have had over 100,000 downloads of our beta app, and our development team is continuing to regularly update the app to improve performance and resolve bugs even as we prepare for the next stage of our development with blockchain technology.

3. Daily personalized recommended restaurant

Get a new recommended restaurant daily!

One of the major personalized features of the current SynchroLife beta is the daily personalized restaurant recommendations. The feature is currently only fully running in Japan but will be expanded to other countries as the restaurant database and ratings in each country grow.

SynchroLife sends each user a new recommended restaurant every morning so they can discover good new restaurants without even having to search! SynchroLife finds the restaurants you might want to know about, before you even know you want to know about them.

When a user first registers for SynchroLife these recommendations will are based on the basic information they provided when registering (area and favorite restaurant genres). But overtime the daily recommendations adapt to be more specific as SynchroLife learns the user’s personal preferences through their various actions within the app (likes, pins, accounts they follow, and more). The SynchroLife Team plans to continue develop this feature to make recommendations even more accurate and personalized in the future.

4. Restaurant rating feeds for what’s hot worldwide, with your friends, or with your country

Check the feeds to see what everyone is eating!

The current SynchroLife beta app includes several “feeds” which are timelines of the latest restaurant ratings. Image a Facebook or Instagram timeline, but filled with food! Even if you don’t know what kind of restaurants you’re interested in or what you want to eat, you can discover new restaurants just scrolling through the feeds.

In the “All Feeds” category you can see all the latest posts, from all countries. In the “Hot” feed you can see the most popular ratings that SynchroLife has calculated will appeal to your interests or may be at restaurants located near you. In the “Friend” feed you can see posts from your friends (other users you follow). And in the “Rookie” feed you can see ratings by new users.

While scrolling through the feeds you can “like” or comment on posts and also pin restaurants to your “Wanna Go” list so you don’t forget them in the future!

Stay up to date with the latest SynchroLife news and chat with our team by joining our Telegram group! 💬

5. Simple and fast restaurant rating

Pick your photos, a restaurant, slide the rating bar and you’re done!

Reviewing restaurants in SynchroLife is fast and easy, like sending a Tweet or posting on Instagram. All users have to do is pick a photo, pick a restaurant, pick a rating and post!

Adding a comment to ratings is easy too, and with the 240 character limit there is no pressure to write long reviews. Just leave a quick comment about what you ate or your thoughts on the restaurant and you’re done!

When posting ratings in SynchroLife you can also choose to share the post to Facebook or Twitter, making it easy to share your food photos and recommended restaurants with friends on other social media 😋

6. Instantly make your own food blog

With SynchroLife, all the restaurants you rate are put together on your profile to create your own personal food blog! You can see all your pictures, where you’ve rated, where you’ve been, where you’re a regular, all your top rated restaurants, and more. Unlike starting a food blog from scratch, you can immediately gain followers and make friends with other foodies through SynchroLife and use your profile as a way to show off your favorite restaurants.

Many of the users of our Japanese beta have commented that they love how easy it is to start their own food “blog” or “diary” to keep track of where they eat out and what they ordered last time they were there.

7. Personalized search results

Each user gets unique search results!

One of the other major “synchronized” features of the current SynchroLife beta is the personalized search results. Full search is only currently avaliable for Japan, but will be expanded to other countries as the restaurant database and ratings in each country grow.

The search results are personalized to each user, meaning if you and a friend search in the same area for the same genre of restaurant you may receive different results. SynchroLife gives each user unique search results based on their preferences as seen through their actions within the app (likes, pins, views, ratings) as well as their similarities with other users. As a simple example, imagine if the SynchroLife algorithm sees that User A has tastes similar to User B. User A’s search results will pick up on a restaurant User B rated highly, while User C’s search results may not show that restaurant at all.

Moving forward we hope to polish and improve this algorithm for every user can find the exact kind of restaurants they love as fast and easy as possible when searching in SynchroLife. No more sifting through hundreds of pages of results or comparing averages scores!

Stay up to date with the latest SynchroLife news and chat with our team by joining our Telegram group! 💬

8. Maps and lists of restaurants you pinned or recently viewed

Never forget a restaurant again!

Have you ever had a friend tell you a great restaurant, only to forget it? Or seen some place that looked cool but forget to bookmark it? SynchroLife has got your back!

With SynchroLife’s “Wanna go” pins you can pin any restaurant instantly to keep it saved for later. Not only will the restaurant be easy to find on your Wanna Go list, you can also use a map to see if there were any restaurants you wanted to go to near where you are currently located. Plus all pinned restaurants get priority when you’re searching, so your search results will remind you of restaurants you were interested in dining at too!

No more forgetting restaurants means more good eats! 😋

We hope today’s post has helped you learn about some of the features the SynchroLife beta version currently offers! 📲 Although you can’t earn tokens yet, if you join now you can get a head start on building a following and reputation which will put you ahead of everyone else once the token rewards start next spring!

Join now to become an early adaptor and foodie leader in your country 👑✨

iOS App Store (iPhone):
Google Play (Android):

Stay up to date with the latest SynchroLife news and chat with our team by joining our Telegram group! 💬




SynchroLife is the app loved by eaters — the world's first social restaurant review platform with crypto rewards and a token economy! Join today!