SynchroLife Launches Eaters Choice 2022 Restaurant Award for Yakiniku Based on User Data from Across Japan

Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2022

April 26, 2022 — Tokyo, Japan

GINKAN Inc., the managing company of the social restaurant review service SynchroLife, has launched a new restaurant award called “Eaters Choice” which picks the best restaurants from across Japan based on SynchroLife user data. The first award announced in March 2022 was for sushi. The second award has now been announced for yakiniku (Japanese BBQ).

Website (Japanese):

Top Yakiniku Restaurants Chosen

* In random order

焼肉 グルマンズ いとう (Hokkaido), だるま 本店 (Hokkaido), 札幌成吉思汗 しろくま 札幌本店 (Hokkaido), 焼肉 たいはーら すすきの本店 (Hokkaido), 正泰苑 本店 (Tokyo), 今久 本店 (Chiba), 焼肉うしごろ 表参道店 (Tokyo), 川崎苑 (Kanagawa), 誇味山 (Tokyo), 焼肉ジャンボ 本郷店 (Tokyo), 焼肉 静龍苑 (Tokyo), たん清 (Tokyo), 大阪焼肉・ホルモン ふたご 中目黒トレーニングセンター店 (Tokyo), 焼肉 鶯谷園 (Tokyo), 焼肉 凛 (Tokyo), 赤坂 らいもん (Tokyo), ローストホース (Tokyo), 焼肉問屋 牛蔵 (Tokyo), 炭火焼肉 ふちおか (Tokyo), 神田 焼肉 まるたけ (Tokyo), ホルモン焼肉 しあわせや (Kanagawa), 三宿トラジ (Tokyo), 焼肉しみず (Tokyo), 焼肉うしごろ 銀座店 (Tokyo), 肉と日本酒 (Tokyo), 天空焼肉 星遊山 (Tokyo), 本とさや (Tokyo), 生粋 (Tokyo), 西麻布けんしろう (Tokyo), 炭火焼 ゆうじ (Tokyo), 東天閣 川崎本店 (Kanagawa), 焼肉 黒5 本店 (Tokyo), 炭火焼肉 食道園 (Kanagawa), 虎ノ門 肉と日本酒 (Tokyo), ホルモン青木 亀戸店 (Tokyo), 焼肉ヒロミヤ 本店 (Tokyo), 焼肉レストラン 西の屋(Kanagawa), 恵比寿焼肉 kintan (Tokyo), ニクアザブ 武蔵小山店 (Tokyo), よろにく (Tokyo), ホルモン和 (Tokyo), たん焼 忍 (Tokyo), 焼肉平城苑 千住曙町店 (Tokyo), 炭火焼ホルモン ぐう 渋谷 (Tokyo), 肉山 (Tokyo), 焼肉 名門 (Tokyo), 焚火家 渋谷店 (Tokyo), 神泉ホルモン 三百屋 (Tokyo), スタミナ苑 (Tokyo), やきにく藤太岐阜心斎橋 焼肉さかもと 本店 (Osaka), 万両 肥後橋店 (Osaka), 焼肉 平和 (Osaka), 游玄亭 ホテルニューオータニ大阪店 (Osaka), 同心亭 (Osaka), 安兵衛 (Osaka), ソウル (Osaka), ヤキニクラーメンフタバ (Fukuoka), 焼肉なべしま 姪浜店 (Fukuoka), 博多焼肉 明治屋 (Fukuoka), 肉屋うたがわ (Fukuoka), 田無羅 (Fukuoka), 神楽 (Fukuoka), 白金ホルモン まる福 (Fukuoka), 赤身焼肉USHIO (Fukuoka), 焼肉 多牛 駅南店 (Fukuoka), 力飯店 (Fukuoka), 焼肉すどう 春吉 (Fukuoka), 焼肉の龍園 小倉本店 (Fukuoka), 炭火焼肉バル AGITO HIRAO (Fukuoka), 利花苑 大名本店 (Fukuoka), 大東園 本店 (Fukuoka), ジャストミート 大名店 (Fukuoka), Yakiniku COWSI (Fukuoka), 焼肉ヨーコ (Fukuoka), やきにくのバクロ 博多店 (Fukuoka)

What is the Eaters Choice Restaurant Award?

The Eaters Choice Restaurant Award aims to uncover the best restaurants based on analysis of reviews in the social restaurant review app SynchroLife. User reviews and ratings were analyzed with a unique algorithm to determine the best restaurants in various genres of cuisine. SynchroLife will be announcing the top restaurants for a different cuisine category every month. 2022 is the first time the Eaters Choice Restaurant Awards have been issued.

The restaurants selected to win the Eaters Choice 2022 Restaurant Award for yakiniku will be send a certificate as well as a sticker they can display at their restaurant to attract food lovers.

In addition to the top yakiniku restaurants, SynchroLife has also announced the Top 10 Yakiniku Lovers. These 10 users were chosen for their high quality yakiniku reviews and influence on other SynchroLife users. The users chosen as this year’s Top 10 Yakiniku Lovers will receive a special emblem in the SynchroLife mobile app.

Website (Japanese):

About SynchroLife

SynchroLife is a global restaurant discovery social media service (Web2) and the world’s first Eat to Earn (Web3) token economy based restaurant social review platform. Users earn score-based token rewards while dining out and posting restaurant reviews.

SynchroLife started in 2018 as the world’s first “Eat to Earn’’ service and currently has over 350,000 restaurant reviews. SynchroLife uses AI to analyze reviews to give personalized recommendations based on each user’s likes and dislikes and quickly guide users to great restaurants. Within the SynchroWallet users can manage the points they earn cashback from dining at partner restaurants, along with digital offers and membership cards. SynchroLife makes it fun to be a regular customer.

SynchroLife is currently available in over 155 countries and four languages (English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean). As SynchroLife grows it shares its value with users who have contributed through restaurant reviews and other actions, and it aims to be Asia’s top autonomous growing social restaurant review platform.


- Company Name: GINKAN, Inc.
- Address: Shin-Yurakucho Building 11F, 1–12–1, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100–0006
- Representative: CEO Tomochika Kamiya
- Established: December 2015
- Website:

SynchroLife Mobile App

iPhone (For iPhone 5s and up, iOS 11.2 and up)
Android (For Android 6.0 and up)

Learn More

・Official Website:
・SynchroCoin Project Website:
・SynchroCoin Project Blog:
・Partner Restaurant Website:




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