Announcement; Migration to New Smart Contract for SynchroBitcoin (SNB)

2 min readDec 13, 2019

London 13 December 2019

Official Announcement: SynchroBitcoin Migration to the New Smart Contract

This is to inform our esteemed community members, investors, ICO buyers, and partners that due to new advances on SynchroBit™ Hybrid Exchange platform and the upcoming integrations of SynchroBit Coin (SNB) with the other SynchroSphere™ platforms, the smart contract of SynchroBit Coin (SNB) has been changed from 0xd3172862ff028cc42660576a0a36cfbc94b50eec to the new contract 0x179E31FB25E433441a2839389A7b8EC9c4654b7B

Link of the new Smart Contract on Etherscan is:

SynchroBitcoin (SNB) migrated to the new Smart Contract

The Advantages of The New Smart Contract for SynchroBitcoin (SNB)

Due to the recent upgrades of Ethereum Blockchain, new advantages could be added to the functions of the SynchroBitcoin (SNB). The new smart contract provides users with a vast range of advantages, including (but not limited to):

  1. Zero Trading Fee

By the new smart contract, the zero trading fee function can be activated on the partner exchanges that would like to add SynchroBitcoin (SNB) as a zero trading fee asset to their platform.

2. Integration with SynchroSphere™ Platforms

Now the new smart contract enables the seamless integrations of SynchroBitcoin (SNB) with the other upcoming platforms of SynchroSphere™ ecosystem, including PikChat™, SynchroLedger™, and WinkPay®!

3. Lower Gas fees!

By the new smart contract, transactions of SynchroBitcoin (SNB) on the Ethereuem network is much faster and cheaper than ever!

Important note:
This is important to note that the new smart contract will be deployed to all partner platforms, listing exchanges, and IEO platforms.

All distributed tokens for Pre-ICO buyers, Private Investors, and the buyers of SynchroBit Coin (SNB) during the ICO will be replaced by the company with the new tokens.

Our sales and support team since 15th December 2019 will contact the Pre-ICO, Private Investors, and ICO buyers for the instruction of replacing their tokens.

What will happen to the old tokens:
All of the old tokens (the earlier smart contract) will be destroyed after gathering them from the holders and will be destroyed by sending them to the Ethereum Genesis wallet and will no longer available. This operation will be done on 31 December 2019.

Should you have any question, please contact

SynchroBit™ Hybrid Exchange
London, United Kingdom
13th December 2019




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