Krystelle Galano
3 min readDec 11, 2019


Most projects focus on a number of tasks, ignoring other problems. SYNCHRONIUM® Company chose the other path. The project has assembled a team of professional developers and enthusiasts who are able to use all the available features of advanced technologies to improve the life of a modern person. Learn more about a startup that intends to change the world from our overview.


The history of the SYNCHRONIUM® project began in 2014, at a time when society first talked about the blockchain revolution. The first team was composed of several developers of decentralized applications, experts, and a number of enthusiasts. Within the framework of the startup, specialists have been working for many years to create technical solutions that can fully reveal the capabilities of blockchain technologies and digital assets.

The project team considers the word SYNCHRONIUM® to be jargon, which is based on the word synchronization.

By 2018, SYNCHRONIUM® headquarters have appeared in the USA, UK, Europe, a number of MENA countries and Asia. The project team has also increased. As of the end of November 2019, the startup is an innovative platform bringing together specialists from all over the world.

SYNCHRONIUM® Business Structure

SYNCHRONIUM® consists of a number of startups, each of which is busy developing a specific idea. The development of teams of specialists is used to build platforms, form technical solutions and services, the combination of which is the basis of the project ecosystem — SynchroSphere. Ready-made startup products can be divided into two key categories:

● business platforms;

● public platforms.

Business platforms are presented in the form of private technical solutions and are designed to work on a private blockchain. Public platforms are built on the SYNCHRONIUM® blockchain or other open blockchains (including Ethereum, EOS, Waves). Developments of project specialists:

What are SYNCHRONIUM® specialists doing today?

The startup team announces that the SYNCHRONIUM® project is the key to an innovative future. When studying the achievements of a startup, the lack of modesty finds an explanation: for several years, experts have created a number of existing technical solutions that have no analogues in the market.

Since 2018, the SYNCHRONIUM® team has decided to focus on the development of industrial, public and business platforms. In addition to the blockchain, experts also began to use the capabilities of the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and a number of other innovative technologies. In figures, SYNCHRONIUM® can be represented as follows:

● more than 40 platforms of startups;

● 8 headquarters worldwide;

● 10 operational business centers.

According to the SYNCHRONIUM® team, work on the current tasks of the project is carried out 24 hours a day.

Among the core values ​​and aspirations of the project, the specialists include the following:

● Caring for the environment. SYNCHRONIUM® is abandoning technologies that can harm nature.

● Desire to use technical solutions for the benefit of mankind, making life better.

● Lack of secrets to investors and participants of the project ecosystem. The results of the team work are available to everyone.

● Work for people, not for national governments. The SYNCHRONIUM® team wants to make life easier for the ordinary person.

● Desire to make project developments cheaper and better than competitors.

● Work on the creation of harmony between man and technology.

● Support tolerance in the team. There are no gender, racial, and other inequalities in SYNCHRONIUM®.

● Desire to achieve interoperability of developments while maintaining their simplicity.

There is also a rule in SYNCHRONIUM® according to which the customer’s wishes should be above all. The experts explain their position by the fact that business continues to grow, benefiting mankind, because of the funds of customers.

Thus, SYNCHRONIUM® is different from most existing development teams. The scale and level of technology coverage of the project allow it to meet many challenges simultaneously, while maintaining the effectiveness of the results.

