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The Best Nootropics For Mind, Memory, Motivation & More

Over the last few years, the business of cognitive-enhancing drugs has become big business. A billion dollar plus business in fact, and it continues to grow. Today there are more brands producing Nootropic supplements than ever before which brings about the concern — what are the best nootropics? Here, I’ve listed 5 of the best Nootropics available rated and reviewed by real customers.

The Syndicate Post
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2017


The business of mind boosting supplements is big business. In fact, according to TheBMJ, it’s been more than a $1 billion dollar business since 2015 and continues to grow. Cognitive enhancement and boosting the power of our mind isn’t a new idea. For more than a 100 years, people have been using drugs to try to increase their brainpower. The problem is, most of the drugs used wielded significant negative side effects. Enter Nootropics. Listed below are 5 of the best Nootropics available to buy on the market today.

Also known as “Smart Pills” or “Smart Drugs,” Nootropics are popular for their ability to aid people with improved mental functioning. Many users of Nootropics have reported the benefits of increased focus, concentration, memory, and energy. Some people have also reported experiencing less stress and anxiety.

For what it’s worth, Google Trends for ‘Nootropics’ shows steady and significant growth in interest over the last several years (see below). There is no doubt Nootropics continues to grow in popularity. As a result, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to know which ones work, and which ones don’t. To help save you time and money, in this post, you’ll find 5 of the best Nootropics that you can buy online today.

Disclaimer: The Nootropics listed here isn’t an exhaustive or fully detailed list. So, I encourage you to consult with your doctor or health care professional before taking any of the supplements listed below.

What Are Nootropics?

“”I was really shocked and then the first thing I thought of was wow, now I know why people are reluctant to tell people about this stuff because they’ll be eating it like candy””

Joe Rogan

Ever seen the movie Limitless? Then, you might remember a character named Eddie Morra. Eddie is depicted as a struggling writer who comes across an experimental drug called “NZT.” A pill which enables him to use 100% of his mind. As a result of taking the pill, Eddie almost instantly experiences the effects taking his mind to new heights. The pill is effectively a cognitive enhancer which helps to improve his thinking, memory, and overall mental state of mind. Do you know the movie?

Whilst the premise of the film is primarily based around the pill “NZT” — a cognitive enhancing drug, it touches on some of the possibilities of using performance-enhancing drugs, such as some of the best Nootropics, which I’ve listed here. So, think of Nootropics as a form of NZT. Films such as Limitless and Lucy (2014) take the idea of cognitive enhancing drugs to an extreme. But, the cognitive enhancements depicted — are a very possibility.

By definition, Nootropics are described as “Cognitive Enhancers” or “Smart Drugs.” They are supplements, drugs, or any other type of substance that improve our cognitive functioning. Things like cognitive functioning, memory processing, reasoning, problem solving, logic, attention, focus, flexibility, aptitude, and speed.

Types of Nootropics


Formula: (C15H15NO2S)
Classification: CNS Stimulant
Description: Modafinil is recognized as a cognition-enhancing agent. A type of agent that is contained in some of the best nootropics available. Benefits include; improved mood, increased focus, and enhanced cognitive functioning. Modafinil is typically used by people who suffer from narcolepsy or sleep apnea. While in most countries it’s a prescription drug, it can be purchased online under certain brain names such as like Provigil, Alertec, and Modiodal. Therefore be mindful when taking Modafinil as it will keep you awake for a long period of time (typically 10–12 hours).


Formula: (C17H22N2O4)
Classification: Prodrug
Description: Some of the main benefits of using Noopept include; Cognitive enhancement via some portion of piracetam’s, Nootropic effects (which is up for debate), Neurogenesis via BDNF/NGF expression and the Anxiolytic effect by raising cycloprolylglycine. Overall, Noopept has been reported to help reduce anxiety, decrease depression, and improve mood. Works better when taken continuously.


Formula: (C14H27N3O2)
Classification: CNS Stimulant / Nootropic Agent
Description: Pramiracetam is a Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulant. A type of Nootropic agent which belongs to the racetam family of drugs. Note that reactions to racetams vary widely from person to person. Reported effects of Pramiracetam include; increased (depth of) focus and thought, increased awareness, and improved problem-solving skills. Therefore making it good for thinking through problems and absorbing complex information. On the flip-side, some users have noted effects such feeling introspective and “robotic.”

5 Of The Best Nootropics To Boost Your Mind

#1 Neuro Clarity

By: Nutrition Essentials
For: Cognitive Functioning, Memory, Concentration
Contents: 1 Bottle / 60 Capsules
Supply: 1 Month
Intake: 2 Per Day
Cost: $18.99 Per Bottle
Cost Per Capsule: $0.32
Amazon Rating: ★★★★☆
Amazon Customer Reviews: 6,650+

#2 Neuro-Peak

By: Zhou Nutrition
For: Memory, Focus, Clarity
Contents: 1 Bottle / 30 Capsules
Supply: 1 Month
Intake: 1 Per Day
Cost: $20.04
Cost Per Capsule: $0.70
Amazon Rating: ★★★★☆
Amazon Customer Reviews: 2,800+

#3 Bio Energy

By: True Recovery
For: Energy, Focus
Contents: 1 Bottle / 60 Capsules
Supply: 1 Month
Intake: 1–2 Per Day
Cost: $18.97
Cost Per Capsule: $0.32
Amazon Rating: ★★★★☆
Amazon Customer Reviews: 1,250+

#4 Neuro Ignite

By: Havasu Nutrition
For: Clarity, Focus, Memory
Contents: 1 Bottle / 30 Capsules
Supply: 1 Month
Intake: 1 Per Day
Cost: $18.35
Cost Per Capsule: $0.61
Amazon Rating: ★★★★☆
Amazon Customer Reviews: 460+

#5 Energy + Focus

By: Zhou Nutrition
For: Energy, Focus, Anxiety
Contents: 1 Bottle / 60 Capsules
Supply: 1 Month
Intake: 1–2 Per Day
Cost: $18.97
Cost Per Capsule: $0.32
Amazon Rating: ★★★★☆
Amazon Customer Reviews:450+



The Syndicate Post

Writer, Editor, and Publisher of The Syndicate Post.