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Intrinsic Motivation Explained

Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing something or performing an activity for its inherent satisfaction. But there’s more to it. Find out what the experts have to say, what key factors drive intrinsic motivation, the value of what it can do for you, and learn about the power behind it.

The Syndicate Post
Published in
6 min readJan 5, 2017


Intrinsic motivation is defined as the act of doing something or performing an activity for its inherent satisfaction. In other words, think of it as a feeling we experience. Particularly when compelled to act upon a situation simply for the enjoyment and/or challenge of it. Intrinsically motivating activities such as hobbies are great examples. For instance, when people collect stamps or build model ships, they generally aren’t doing so to get rich, to attract members of the opposite sex, or for any other type of reward for that matter. Intrinsically motivated people essentially engage in activities for the sheer enjoyment of it!

In this article, you’ll learn; the definitions of intrinsic motivation, what intrinsic motivation really is, the different types of intrinsic motivation factors, a brief look at the science behind intrinsic motivation, the different types of intrinsic rewards, and the value and power of intrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic Motivation Definitions

Amongst the vast amount of research conducted and published on the topic of intrinsic motivation, various definitions exist defining what intrinsic motivation is. Across the many various definitions, the three provided below are some of the most popular definitions of intrinsic motivation.

  • The self-desire to seek out new things and new challenges, to analyze one’s capacity, to observe and to gain knowledge.1
  • The doing of an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence.2
  • It’s motivation that is animated by personal enjoyment, interest, or pleasure.3

Intrinsic Motivation Explained

Intrinsic motivation occurs when people engage in particular activities and behaviors for the sake of doing them. In other words, they attempt to excel at something, not for money or for the fear of punishment but, because they are deeply interested in it, gain pleasure from doing it, and/or simply enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it. Unlike extrinsic rewards, such as money and status, intrinsic rewards essentially come from within. It’s the type of drive we all need to make great achievements.

A champion needs motivation above and beyond winning.
— Pat Riley

Football sensation Lionel Messi once spoke out saying that money is not a motivating factor. He went on to say “Money doesn’t thrill me or make me play better because there are benefits to being wealthy. I’m just happy with a ball at my feet. My motivation comes from playing the game I love. If I wasn’t paid to be a professional footballer I would willingly play for nothing.”

Important Distinctions

An important distinction of intrinsic motivation is that it’s about the “kind of reward rather than the “location or origin.” A key difference which separates it from other types of motivators explains Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Frederic Kaplan5. Their research paper, explains that there’s a distinct difference between extrinsic, external, intrinsic, and internal motivation.

For example, brushing our teeth because we want to avoid a lecture from our dentist means we are being extrinsically and externally motivated. If on the other hand, we’re motivated to brush our teeth to keep having healthy clean teeth in the future — we’re being internally motivated. However, if we brush our teeth because we know it’s good for us and we enjoy it, then, we’re being intrinsically motivated.

From the Experts

Intrinsically motivated activities typically generate positive feelings because they provide a sense of meaning, a sense of progress, and/or a sense of competence. For teachers and their students or, for employers and their employees — it’s about increasing engagement as opposed to compliance. In their article review1, Deci and Ryan praise intrinsic motivation for its ability to engender “high-quality learning and creativity” and call it an “important construct, reflecting the natural human propensity to learn and assimilate.” In his popular TED talk, Dan Pink, one of the world’s leading business thinkers, explains the complexity behind motivation and how we can all better understand it.

Intrinsic Motivation Factors

In their 2011 motivation study, Çınar, Bektaş, and Aslan explain that “motivation is a multidimensional framework.” This is because it’s usually a combination of different factors which motivate people. While both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors can simultaneously motivate people, several intrinsic factors also help to promote intrinsic motivation. Between Dan Pink4 and researchers Edward Deci and Richard Ryan2, several psychological needs which are common to all people which form the following intrinsic motivational factors. They are Competence (succeeding in what you do), Autonomy (being in control of your life), Mastery (having a sense of growth and achievement), Purpose (having a sense of meaning), and Relatedness (connecting with others).

  • Competence: to promote self-esteem, enjoyment, satisfaction.
  • Autonomy: providing a sense of control, responsibility, creativity, freedom, choice, and “a desire to be self-directed4.”
  • Mastery: presenting opportunities for learning, curiosity, challenge, achievement, growth, interest, development.
  • Purpose: directed at meaning, altruism, and the “why”.
  • Relatedness: a sense of belonging, love, cooperation, recognition, connection, status.

The Science Behind Intrinsic Motivation

Research shows that intrinsic motivation often leads to personal growth by encouraging people to seek out challenges and exercise personal and/or professional skills. Studies also show that high intrinsic motivation orientation is a key indicator of high self-determination (a person’s ability to control his or her own life).

Compiling a variety of studies, Kevin McGrew, Ph.D., determined that early research looked upon intrinsic motivation as “situation-specific and alterable” rather than “trait-like in nature.” However, researchers are now treating intrinsic motivation as less of a situation-specific state and more of a basic and permanent human trait. A trait that exists in all people regardless of their specific interests and opportunities.

The Value of Intrinsic Motivation

In addition to fulfilling essential intellectual and emotional needs, professional settings use intrinsic motivation to help boost productivity and promote a positive workplace. As Changing Minds states, “if you can get someone to believe in an idea or align their values with what you want, then you have set very powerful motivation in place.” For example, giving employees work they can perform independently and at which they are competent in can positively motivate them

Read also: Our popular guide on How to Motivate Yourself and KEEP Yourself Motivated

Studies in the area of motivation and sports, also report that intrinsic motivation can greatly improve the performance and accomplishments of athletes. According to the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, if “athletes experience competence and success due to their own actions and skills” they will be “more satisfied and more likely to continue participating.” This is true even when athletes are simultaneously receiving extrinsic rewards

The Power of Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is a powerful force that can encourage us to learn, experience new things, and grow. What has (and hasn’t) motivated you in the past, has evidently got you to where you are today. And, will continue to shape who you become in the future. Think about it, why do human beings thirst for success and constantly strive to improve? What drives successful people to do the exceptional things they do? How often do you pause to think about your inner motivations and the ways in which you operate?

Learn to identify and understand what motivates you from the inside. Because, if we can all do this, we may all have a better chance at happiness and success. By concentrating on the incredible and wide-ranging influence of intrinsic motivation, you’ll not only better yourself but inspire others to better themselves as well. And helping others is always a reward in itself!

Intrinsic motivation isn’t some special ability only a few possess it’s something we all have. Find what intrinsically motivates you and use it to help motivate you in other areas of your life. In the words of Sir Edmund Hillary: “It all comes down to motivation. If you really want to do something, you will work hard for it.”


  1. Ryan, Richard. M., and Deci, Edward. L. “Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions.” Contemporary Educational Psychology (2000).
  2. Ryan, Richard. M., and Deci, Edward. L. “Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being”. American Psychologist (2000).
  3. Lai, Emily R. “Motivation: A Literature Review.” Pearson (2011).
  4. The puzzle of motivation. Perf. Dan Pink. TED.
  5. Oudeyer, Pierre-Yves, and Frederic Kaplan. “How can we define intrinsic motivation?” INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest (2007).



The Syndicate Post

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