Liberation of Content — The New Reality

In a recent keynote delivered at the Future and Reality in Gaming conference, Synereo had the chance to present and explore the key concepts behind our mission, to an audience of scientists, gamers and developers.

2 min readJan 5, 2018


Anderson Mccuthcheon, Synereo co-founder, presenting at the Future and Reality in Gaming conference

For over 3 years, well before the cryptocurrency boom and the ICO frenzy of 2017, our team was aiming to build a platform to serve as an alternative to the centralized content hub paradigm. A platform in which creators and consumers are entirely free from the algorithmically-generated feeds and the one-sided monetization methods provided by the incumbent giants.

From a technological perspective, we knew the centralization of control over the flow of value is no longer a necessity — our phones and computers have all the storage, computational power and bandwidth needed to power these networks peer-to-peer. We definitely had sufficient resources to provide an alternative way of transferring value between all of the economy’s participants. The blockchain was a perfect fit.

Why Are We Building WildSpark

Online content creators had been put in a position where the method they chose to use for publishing their creations would also define their method of monetization. Producing great content costs money, and is an honest and hard way of making a living. The platform that offers the largest exposure may not necessarily have the best offering when it comes to compensating publishers. If anything, a popular platform would often be in a position where it can offer publishers worse terms in exchange for the exposure to the larger audience that is present on their site.

WildSpark is the alternative. Synereo is developing a layer of content monetization that allows content consumers to reward creators by sending cryptocurrency directly to the publisher, regardless of the platform. While YouTube is the natural first pick, we are on our way to launch support for additional platforms. Content publishers on Soundcloud, Medium and various other platforms will be able to receive cryptocurrency payments directly from their followers.

We are taking the first steps in a long journey towards the liberation of content, unhinging the platform/monetization dependency in order to set content creators free.

