On the Road Again: sign up for Synereo’s upcoming alpha release has begun

Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2016

On our way to build a fully decentralized social network, built on the principals of the Attention Economy, Synereo is determined to release a series of intermediary applications, paving the way for a complete and decentralized platform.

Synereo’s upcoming releases are designed to bootstrap the foundations and network effects necessary to follow through on our vision of a working, populated decentralized and distributed social network; in the process, granting real-life value to AMPs.

The first step on this road is our upcoming alpha. Synereo’s first social product implements usable Attention Economy elements, employing AMPs as a means of social amplification.

If you want to be among the first to play with the early release and provide us with your impressions and feedback, helping us shape the application, feel free to request an invite.

Coming next, on January 20th, we will disclose Synereo’s new development plan, detailing the strategy and milestones on the path towards a platform capable of running Synereo’s social network in decentralized and distributed form.

So Stay tuned; there’s much more to come.

In the meantime, in order to direct all of our time and attention towards the development process, and to provide you with a useful product as soon as possible, we intend to take a short interlude, and temporarily suspend our traditional weekly hangouts. We are, as usual, available for questions and comments on slack and via email at hello@synereo.com, and we’ll of course keep you up to date here and through our newsletter. Hangouts will be resumed in a slightly different format after the holidays, as soon as the upcoming alpha is ready to be fully disclosed.

See you on the other side.


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Originally published at blog.synereo.com on December 16, 2520.

