WildSpark 2.0.4 Patch: Aktay

Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2017

Today, users with access to the WildSpark Beta will receive their first patch, WildSpark 2.0.4, codename Aktay. If you are currently participating in the beta, you don’t have to do anything; the update will be pushed to the extension, and everything will be more awesome.

New Stuff

  1. WildSpark gets out of the way: WildSpark now goes beyond the collapsed mode and moves out of the way when you’re watching your YouTube videos. Just as easy to access, now less intrusive.
Mini Mode activated

2) Deposit and withdrawal interface received a facelift, adding support for lower resolutions.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

3) Uneditable link field

The unique link field was editable; no longer. Now you can’t break your own sharing link!

4) Signup form fixes: Data verification wasn’t working with autocomplete on email and password input fields.
Now autocomplete fields are being validated.

5) Properly displaying rewarded AMPs: These were calculated correctly, but now you’ll be able to see them in all circumstances.

See all the sweet AMPs received!

6. AMP attribution formula fixes: AMPs were not split properly throughout the generations. The creator’s share was bigger than that of the ancestors above the direct parent.

7. Missing deposit bug: Our daemon checking for transactions failed to acknowledge those coming through blocks mined less than 10 minutes since the last one. Yikes! The bug was fixed, and all affected users have received their funds stuck in limbo.


As the recent roadmap post details, quite a few updates are coming. The extension and the website itself will continue to evolve, and we intend to maintain a high pace of iteration as we keep our ears to the rail.


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Originally published at blog.synereo.com on July 17, 520.

