Cosmic Exploration Plan for Synesians in 2022

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2022

WARNING: This exploration is only for a chosen few of the brave-hearted. This is a journey with extreme risk. We can not guarantee the outcome.

Executive Summary

This article describes our suggested milestones for all Synesians joining the exploration. There are three parts:

  • Token Launches
  • Game Production + Release
  • Community Vitality + Growth

Here is a quick snapshot of the key dates (subject to changes):

The official names of each game title will be announced later. The names used in this document are placeholders and temporary.

Generally speaking, TGE for $SNS will be officially announced when we hit certain KPIs with the support of the community.

So, let’s unpack each part one by one.

Token Launches.

Genesis Event for Kanon NFT

We plan to start selling the Aquarius Collection for the first 10,000 Kanon NFTs in late January, 2022. Depending on demand, the public minting process could extend but our goal is to complete the sale as expediently as possible.

Token Generation Event (TGE) for $SNS

We plan to initiate TGE for $SNS after the Aquarius Collection but before our first game launch so that yields and rewards can be paid out. Because there are many variables, we will not commit to a firm date in this article but will keep you posted when we are near.

Game Release Schedule.

Our goal is to become The Netflix of GameFI. We have two categories of games scheduled to be released in 2022. The community will be able to play a minimum of five titles in 2022. Now, this is our baseline case. We actually have a few more games under our sleeves but we won’t reveal them to you until and unless we are totally ready. Game production requires a highly capital and labor intensive process with significant execution risk. We are currently working with several top game production studios around the world to fill our content pipeline. We strive to bring our community continuous streams of new games so that members can keep earning.

Puzzle Games (# of Titles = 4)

  • 1Q2022 : Graphic Novel Puzzle Game Book #1
  • 2Q2022 : Word Power Game
  • 3Q2022 : Graphic Novel Puzzle Game Book #2
  • 4Q2022 : Word Tile Game

Data Yield Farming Game | Project C (# of Titles = 1)

This game is slated to be released in 3Q2022 as Beta. We will make an announcement about the concept of this game before TGE. This game is designed specifically to crowdsource the training datasets for Mind AI. It was originally designed as a pet (cute-monster) nurturing game. Many graphical elements are currently under revision and could change. We call this game, Project C (to differentiate it from the data yield farming application). To be clear, the actual data yield farming application should be ready and available as Beta service as early as in the first quarter of 2022. Select members of the community could be invited as beta testers. Please stay tuned for announcements.

  • 1Q2022 : Closed Beta Test for Data Yield Farming Application
  • 2Q2022 : Open Beta Service for Data Yield Farming Application
  • 3Q2022 : Beta Service for Data Yield Farming Game (Project C)

Community Vitality + Growth

At the end of the day, our success will be all about you, the community. Without the love and care by the community, none of the dates we are committing in this article will matter. To that end, we think certain KPIs about the size of our community will enable us to meet the dates with confidence. We need to reach them to have a successful TGE and enable every Synesian to make money.

We believe that growing our community should also be a communal effort. The best marketing is word of mouth. While the team will do its best to grow its community as quickly and organically as possible, we may delay the launch dates for our tokens and games, if we do not hit KPIs. So, you have the power to accelerate or delay TGE. You are in the driver’s seat. Let’s grow this ecosystem together.


Synesis One will take off no matter what. And we will traverse deep into space before you know it. It’s only a matter of time. This is our self-fulfilling prophecy and a reminder. To be frank, this exploratory journey is not only for you but also for all of us at Synesis One. We have been preparing for this project for years and we can’t wait to start. So, when you join us, we will take you to a place way beyond your wildest imagination. We will commit to offering you an unprecedented opportunity to dramatically improve your digital financial wellbeing and help you become financially self-reliant through owning our digital assets.

All that we ask of you is:

  • Nurture the community and ask your friends to join
  • Buy and hold KanonNFT and $SNS
  • Play our games to earn

So, let’s go! Let’s do this! Are you ready?

🦋 Learn more: NFT Marketplace | Twitter | Telegram | Discord| Web



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.