March: Monthly Newsletter

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2023

Greetings Supporters!

In recent years, artificial intelligence has been reshaping nearly every industry on the planet, from transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, energy, finance, education, and healthcare. The changes are so pervasive that some observers, like Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum and author of the book The Fourth Industrial Revolution, argue that artificial intelligence (together with blockchain, robotics, and 3D printing) will prove to be even more impactful than the first industrial revolution (steam engine), the second (electrification), or the third (computers)!

The recent launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT has accelerated these trends. As a result, the demand for quality training datasets is increasing exponentially. According to a new report by Research and Markets, the global AI training dataset market size is expected to reach USD 8.61 billion by 2030 and expand at a CAGR of 22.1% from 2023 to 2030. The Synesis One crowdwork platform, with its Web3.0 approach, is well positioned to connect human intelligence with AI training data needs, with increased efficiency, reduced costs, improved accuracy, and greater diversity of training data. We’re about to launch on the Solana Mainnet and compete for a share of the growing AI training dataset market!


  • Ho Chi Minh: Our leadership team gathered in Ho Chi Minh for our quarterly ‘Grok’ session on March 10–14th. We mapped out our Q2 plans, finalized the gamification system, and brainstormed on how to mesh ‘peopleware’ and technology. David and Leo attended Solana Hacker House on March 15–17th, where they networked and met with potential clients.
  • Bangkok: Josh, Paul, Isaac, and Tracy traveled to Bangkok for the ‘New Wave of AI” conference on March 14–15th, organized by Mind AI and hosted by the prestigious Sasin Business School. There were more than 400 attendees, including many prominent Thai VCs, media representatives, and AI experts. Paul spoke on Mind AI’s neuro-symbolic approach to AI and Josh spoke on the Synesis platform. Tracy gave a three-hour workshop to computational linguists on the limitations of ChatGPT, the continued need for symbolic AI, and why crowdsourcing data (through Synesis platform) is the way forward. The team met with many business leaders on the advantages of using Synesis One for data needs.
  • San Francisco: Josh met with Solana founder Anatoly Yakovenko to discuss the future of artificial intelligence, as well as explore future collaborations between Synesis and the Solana Foundation. More on this soon!

Developer Updates

Sydney Harris, the famous cartoonist of science, has a wonderfully funny cartoon depicting a chemist excitingly pouring a bubbling liquid from one flask into another. The audience looks nonplussed since there are no obvious changes in the flask. The chemist, a bit defensive, says ‘however, the change is spectacular on the molecular level’!

Over the past few months, our engineering team has built some extremely powerful and impressive systems — but like the chemicals in the flask, much of their work isn’t evident to the casual observer! Let’s look inside the glass!

  • We submitted the first MVP build of the mobile dApp to the Solana Mobile team for their dApp store approval as well as to meet our milestone for the Solana Mobile Stack grant.
  • We are nearly ‘code complete’ for the upcoming launch of Train2earn on Solana mainnet! Over the next several days, we’ll be doing extensive QA and integration testing to make sure all the new features are working properly.
  • One of the new features is the on-chain SNS reward mechanism, which will allow our Train2Earn workers to claim rewards directly in the Train2Earn dApp instead of the ‘airdrop’ model we’ve been employing, which required us to send tokens manually to each wallet at the completion of each campaign.
  • We’ve also integrated a transaction relayer technology into our Open Beta deployment on Devnet. With this feature, Builders and Validators can submit up to 50 ontology building events together at the same time in a single click, and with the same security guarantees as regular Solana transactions! Without this feature, users would otherwise have to separately sign multiple blockchain transactions for each time they interacted with the Train2Earn system. Essentially, what we’ve built is the gasless transactions that will be part of ERC-4337 on Ethereum — but we’ve already done it!
  • The Guild management system is now in testing and will be available with the Solana mainnet launch. The system provides tools for our community members to organize into groups (guilds). It also eases the onboarding process for new users, particularly non-crypto native builders. Kanon owners will be able to lend their Kanon NFT to builders who lack the capital to purchase a Kanon but wish to participate in Train2Earn. In exchange, the Kanon owner will receive a percentage of the revenue the builder generates.
  • The Kanon exchange website now has a swap function, allowing users to exchange SOL, USDC, and SNS. We’ve also implemented leaderboards which show our top earners by wallet address.
  • With our launch on Solana Mainnet, we will continue to run the Open Beta on Devnet. This will give us the runway needed to complete a security audit and ensure all features are working correctly. Over a period of weeks, we will transition all train2earn campaign activity from Devnet to Mainnet.

Train2Earn Open Beta

  • Our mobile app is under community testing. DYF, or the Train2Earn application, is fully integrated into the Workspace mobile app. This is under testing from our internal team as well as community testers from Discord.
  • In March, we processed almost 20,000 utterance submissions, despite a week of downtime related to system updates. We have more than 150 builders contributing to campaigns and we’re busy expanding our validator pool.
  • Synesis Academy is now live on the Synesis One website. We put together this collection of learning modules to help new builders learn how to set up a crypto wallet, send and receive tokens, use exchanges, and craft quality utterances.
  • We will be reintroducing Thai language campaigns, given strong interest in the wake of our Bangkok conference.

The Road Ahead

We will soon complete the soft launch of Train2Earn and begin transitioning all campaign activity from Solana Devnet to Mainet. Once we achieve this milestone, we’ll focus on adding new features such as gamification, additional tools for guilds, and an expanded interface for architects. The team will also be incredibly busy expanding our discussions with potential clients in need of AI training datasets — for data annotation, photo / video tagging, or natural language processing tasks.

Closing Thoughts

AI is only as good as the data it is trained on. If the data is incomplete, flawed, or wrong, then the AI will perform poorly. That’s why humans are still needed to bridge the gap. Synesis One is the Web3 bridge connecting human intelligence and AI training!


The Synesis One team



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.