Meet Dr. Rolf Hoefer, Solana Ecosystem Advisor

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2022
Dr. Rolf Hoefer, DAOist and Advisor to Synesis One

“SynesisOne is fundamentally different from many other copy-cat projects out there. Dig in, get lost, make friends, have fun, and own a word!” says Dr. Rolf Hoefer

In continuation with our partner and advisor series, we’re delighted to introduce you to our Solana Ecosystem Advisor, Dr. Rolf Hoefer. Dr. Hoefer is a DAOist at a number of significant organizations including Metacartel Ventures DAO. He is also a best selling author on NFTs and published scientist, holding a PhD from INSEAD and a B.S. and B.A. from USC. He co-founded a number of Cultur3 ventures, including a Creative Token Agency, Numomo and a Venture Capital firm called Cultur3 Capital.

Why Synesis One?

When asked to describe his initial meeting with the Synesis One team, and why he wanted to support us, Dr. Hoefer described the initial meeting as epic.

It all began with an inspiring conversation and it ended with some excellent chicken.

“I was in Seoul. So I hopped over to meet the team. We had an epic meeting, and I was deeply impressed. It started with a few people and a chat in one room. Then moved to a bigger room. I kept drilling the team with never-ending questions and they roped more and more people in. It ended with chicken (presumably the only thing that could stop my fascination). Ultimately, Synesis One had extraordinary depth, breadth, and originality. And some excellent chicken” Dr. Rolf Hoefer explains.

“I had always hoped, but previously never seen, anything like what I saw that day. Truly amazing, an incredibly promising path,” he continues.

DAO Expertise

Dr. Hoefer’s background and expertise in DAOs made him a naturally great fit to advise Synesis One. His strong support for the powerful ways that we organize and build communities brings him very much in line with our vision. By putting the ownership of a community in its members, DAOs redistribute power. DAOs are constantly evolving with the possibilities they hold for organizations, as Dr. Hoefer shares:

“The implications are wide-reaching. For example, as these chaotic systems are easy to enter and exit via token ownership, we will see much more fluid membership bases. The nature of work will change, with people contributing value in a much more targeted rather than diffuse way. In systems like Synesis One, I think there are some very exciting and productive opportunities.”

Challenges in the Future

But of course — as with any revolutionary platform- there are barriers and challenges. The main one is that the emphasis on DAOs is in their economic aspects; they originally evolved as investment opportunities for stakeholders who were typically excluded. But as Dr. Hoefer illustrates, that view is shifting:

“DAOs can be much more than just investment collectives. DAOs can help construct and evolve communities. These communities don’t have to exclusively chase materialistic pursuits. Instead, these communities can strive towards shared meanings other than just making money. The best, of course, is if DAOs combine both sustainable cultural and monetary elements and Synesis One might just be trying to do that.”


These shifts towards a community focus reflect the way that the notion of community is changing more broadly both online and offline.

“Time is a scarce resource. As people spend more time online they have less time to spend offline. This doesn’t mean offline communities become less important, but that the way we interact with our communities changes. Online communities are becoming more important anchors to our identities than before. Research suggests that Boomers feel most like themselves offline, Gen X as well but less so. Millennials are evenly split, while the Gen Z generation is already saying they feel more like themselves online than offline. Who we are as a function of where and with whom we hang out is changing, and I think emerging trends will accelerate in the coming years,” says Dr. Hoefer.

Why Solana?

Because NFTs are another aspect shaping online communities, Solana is the ideal means to promote that sense of community — that they have the potential for. Dr. Hoefer elaborates how the two combined hold great promise for the sense of community now found online:

“Solana is valuable to the world of NFTs because it has been on-boarding different and new groups of people into Web3 than other blockchains have. Many users are new to Web3, and the user experience is smoother than on many other ecosystems where transactions take longer to process and cost more to execute. NFTs are also naturally emerging as a fun and interesting way to slot new users into communities,” he concludes.

For more on why we chose to launch on Solana, read here.

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Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.