Meet Megnuts#3822, Our Most Seasoned 😉 Community Member

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2022
Kanon NFT owned by Megnuts#3822

“…My old sage advice to the younger readers is to keep your eye on the future and stay in this space because it IS the future!”

This week we’re thrilled to introduce you Megnuts#3822, a mature, sixty-plus year young Synesian who brings both with and wisdom to the Synesis One community! Megnuts joined the Synesis One community back in 2021, and has been a vital voice since our inception. Enjoy!

It is often the conception that crypto is a community that only attracts younger users — but not so with Synesis One. Megnuts found their way into crypto at a later stage, finding it a much more exciting way to pass the time than the stereotypical post retirement hobbies. As they tell us:

“As I neared retirement, I started looking for something new to do; it’s too bloody cold and wet to golf regularly here in the UK so I dug into understanding more about investing in crypto, particularly NFTs. I had invested in stocks and shares for many years, but the gains were tiresome so I turned to crypto projects. My initial goal was to invest smartly and supplement my retirement, as well as pay for some of our travels.”

Sharing the Knowledge

Megnuts has also decided to share their knowledge and passion for the space, with plans to start writing and publishing advisory and informative content and articles to get others just as excited about the world of crypto and NFTs.

“I plan to start publishing a few articles that I’ve written, which are aimed at the gray-haired crowd and other newbs to help them overcome apprehension to investing in NFTs,” says Megnuts.

They hope that this will widen the appeal with both demographics such as their age group and younger users. As they remark:

“Most of my age group have no clue about NFTs, or crypto for that matter, so I hope I can help. Besides, I think I’m pretty fly for an old guy. Also, my Twitter handle is @worldlytrekker and this is an open invitation to follow me and I will follow you back. Finally, my old sage advice to the younger readers is to keep your eye on the future and stay in this space because it IS the future!

The White-Paper

Megnuts became particularly interested in Synesis One because of the ideas behind the project, in particular our white-paper. As they relay to us:

“I first came across Synesis One in the early days of my crypto immersion, and I was immediately very intrigued by the project. I was new to NFTs and had been reading many NFT projects white- papers and websites, but Synesis One’s white-paper was miles ahead of others I had read.”

This made the project really stand out in an often crowded marketplace, the understanding and professionalism that the white paper provided made Synesis One highly appealing and gave Megnuts the confidence to become involved in the project. As Megnuts says:

“The concept of mining AI data was very interesting to me and different from all the other projects I had been reviewing. Our community was very welcoming, and I liked it from the very start and the games!”

Helping Others

Community has been critical to Megnuts’s experience with them finding ways to integrate and give back to Synesis One’s fan community, which stands out from other crypto spaces. As they explain:

“Currently, I’m in about 30 NFT projects, mostly quality projects with passive income or metaverse plays, but I must say that Synesis One is my first love in crypto space.”

And Megnuts echoes a sentiment that is often found in our project community; of wanting to really help and empower other members. They actively want to ensure that other users are getting both the best experience of Synesis One as well as remaining safe in the wider world of crypto. As Megnuts describes:

“One benefit of being on all those projects is the early alpha, as well as the early warnings of hacks and scams, so I try to inform the Synesis One community as soon as I see those warnings because I don’t want any harm to come to our great project or community members.”

Like many of our users, Megnuts has managed to mint a number of our NFTs. And they have found ways to make them particularly personal, really finding the fun that can be had with NFTs. As they go on to detail:

“I have 10 Kanon NFTs in total from the mint and some that I sniped from the secondary markets, all are staked and stacking that $SNS (except the one staked for QN). During our Aquarius mint, I minted some interesting words that when strung together are quite hilarious! For example, I minted WIPE and URANUS. Not kidding! I also have FURIOUS, MALE, FACET, ANTIDOTE, AFLOAT, STARTUP, MOURN, and DYNAMITE. I’ve had a bit of fun within our community with making silly sentences with some of my words.”



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.