Meet the Ambassadors of Synesis One

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2022

Synesis One has, in its short existence, legitimately changed my life for the better and I believe it can do this for many more people to come. — doctorbeanspoon#6726

We are super excited to introduce you to our Ambassadors this week. They’ve been working hard in creating meaningful content, already releasing a well received article on the Future of NFTs here. There are also a number of actions each of the Ambassadors takes that are sometimes unaccounted for — we remain grateful of their service to the mission of Synesis One and their commitment to community — and we are thrilled for you to meet them today!

Our Ambassadors

Our community has been steadily growing, bringing together a huge range of fans and users from across the globe. We recently created an ambassador initiative. Ambassadors will be contributing to the project by really nurturing the community, helping in to grow and making content contribution. So, who are our ambassadors? And what has made them tick so far in their new positions?

Currently we have four ambassadors: jodineb#1262, caporz#5305, doctorbeanspoon#6726 and Nilupak#4943. So far they have found much in common in their experiences.

Bringing New Users Into the Fold

“When it comes to Synesis One, I am “all in”. When the chance came up to apply for the ambassador role for me, there was no second guess,” says jodineb#1262.

Jodineb#1262 has many aims for what they’re planning to achieve in the ambassador role, but crucially they hope that they’ll be instrumental in bringing new users into the fold and imparting knowledge for those less seasoned when it comes to crypto and NFTs and try to undo discomfort or worries about how to start out.

“I think that from the beginning there is an “outside” perception of those of us that are into the NFT gaming space. This may not be an accurate and complete “picture” of where we are heading and the possibilities that are unfolding for us all. Synesis One has the community, vision and the ability to change this,” they explain.

Caporz#5305 also echoes this sentiment, explainig, “As ambassador I try to spread the name of the project, giving my contribution to let it be known.”

Maximizing Learning

Doctorbeanspoon#6726 hopes to further knowledge of the project amongst potential users, seeing spreading information about crypto and blockchain as a responsibility now that they are an ambassador. But this means that they will also be ensuring they continue to develop their own knowledge as well. As doctorbeanspoon#6726 describes:

“I hope to increase involvement in and participation in data yield farming, as I think it will be one of the grounds for real growth of our whole ecosystem. As someone attempting to teach these things to new members, I feel it is my responsibility to be well-learned myself, and so it has contributed to my own education regarding communities, blockchains, IPFS and data science.”

Nilupak#4943’s connection with Synesis One began with their interest in NFTs more broadly. They began looking into space in general, but struggled to find a kind that worked for them. They had little interest in meme NFTs, but instead wanted ones with genuine utility. They tell us:

“I remember looking for an NFT in Solana just to try out what owning an NFT feels like. (Kanon NFTs are my first NFTs.) I saw Synesis One and read the white-paper and was sold on Day 1. I tried to tell people about it and created a series of posts on twitter deep diving on the lite-paper.”

Once they began spreading the word on NFTs, they were soon quick to also share content about Blockchain, AI and how we use them.

“I want to tell people how Synesis One is trying to achieve the enormous goal of providing technical expertise and implementation of complex AI models in a decentralized fashion.”

Becoming an ambassador has also consolidated Nilupak#4943’s knowledge of the projects. By seeing developments they have become closer to the team.

“Seeing developments and behind the scenes action definitely makes everything worthwhile especially for a complex project like Synesis One.”

The added sense of community brings closer understanding of the technologies that are integral to the project. After all, these are complex and often evolving technologies, which even seasoned users can learn more about. As Nilupak#4943 remarks:

“I always tell people that the pieces of Synesis One, Blockchain and AI, are difficult and complex topic- if not the most- even for people in the IT industry. Spending time in the community enabled me to meet people who understands these things deeply. I have also met people who have little to no knowledge on these topics. Both groups have helped me learn more about these areas than just reading articles on the web.”

The Power of Community

Community is absolutely essential to our users, with the ambassador role being critical to keep that community together. Jodineb#1262 explains:

“I am always intrigued by what brings people to communities. Beyond this, I am even more interested in what helps people “stay” in communities. The latter in my mind being of utmost importance. Growing an ecosystem happens in time with dedication. Keeping an ecosystem not only “surviving” but “thriving” takes a village.”

Being an ambassador and integrating into the community has also been hugely useful to doctorbeanspoon#6726, in particular their own wellbeing and mental health. As they describe:

“To be completely honest with you- I had a very difficult week last week personally, and I avoided discord and my responsibilities here for a few days. The ambassador role helped me to take responsibility personally and decide to return to the community so in that way, it was helpful.”

And Synesis is a community that our ambassadors have found really stands out. Doctorbeanspoon#6726 describes their comparative experiences across communities:

“I care what happens with many of our community members, which is much more than i can say for any other web3 community I have ever been in or on the outskirts of. I pay attention to other discords and possess other tokens. Synesis is the only one where I feel I have made real connections and friends, where I can have intellectual debates and discussions. In other communities, I can barely even remember the screen-names of the mods or team members. Synesis One has, in a very real way for me, showed me the power of community in the blockchain space and how it can play a role in tech development. Synesis One has, in its short existence, legitimately changed my life for the better and I believe it can do this for many more people to come.”

Helping Build a Stronger Future

Jodineb#1262 hopes that fostering a sense of belonging amongst newcomers will help the project grow. As they tell us:

“My hopes for Synesis One is that the community grows in a way that encourages participation, camaraderie, fun and financial reward. The community brings together quite diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and personalities working forward for common goals.”

Contributing as an ambassador means contributing to the longevity of Synesis One as a project. As caporz#5305 tells us:

“I hope the project can be well known and big brands can get interested in our AI.”

Doctorbeanspoon#6726 was an early adopter and investor in the project, so when the opportunity to become an ambassador came up, it felt like a natural progression for building a future for the project. They say:

“I think the ideas developed by the team are revolutionary, and I think that the team is dedicated, accessible, interesting, relatable, and responsible. It is one of my goals/dreams to one day become a member of the team, preferably on the development side of things; I want to learn everything I can about the project, the team, the tech, and how to become more involved.”

Doctorbeanspoon#6726 can see a future for Synesis One that is boundless and far reaching. They explain this:

“I can imagine us being the go to and setting the industry standard for innovative blockchain and AI solutions. I have imagined us having our own blockchain which serves the AI community and which functions like a layer one to other sorts of techs which have to do with AI. I think Synesis is and will be a big deal- I see us as revolutionaries, innovators, iconoclasts, scientists, and a tech and community with the potential to change the way people relate to data science and money.”



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.