November: Monthly Newsletter

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2022

Greetings supporters!

The Crypto Winter has turned colder, but like arctic explorers, the Synesis One team is plowing ahead with confidence and determination. We’re going to reach the pole, because we believe in our mission to build a Web 3.0 crowdwork platform that can empower digital workers and go toe to toe with Web 2.0 platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. And it’s working! In this issue, we’re excited to announce that our revamped website is now live, our train2earn workforce is beginning to scale, and our Workspace mobile App is nearing completion.


  • No FTX exposure: Since the beginning of November, the FTX collapse has rippled through the entire crypto space. It’s been rough for everyone. Fortunately, Synesis One didn’t have direct exposure to or its subsidiaries (i.e. Alameda Research or FTX Ventures) or related entities (i.e. Genesis Trading) and our stablecoin treasury has been largely unaffected. We do however hold SOL and other reserve currencies such as ETH and BTC and their market value has been adversely affected. We are managing our expenses carefully to ensure we make it through the crypto winter.
  • Break Point Lisbon: Josh, Paul, and other team members participated in this year’s Break Point in Lisbon. We had our own booth at Games Day and were able to connect with many investors and ecosystem partners. The collective mode was very positive and supportive. The FTX bankruptcy days later shook the Solana ecosystem, but we’re confident the community will emerge from this mess stronger and more self-reliant. The Synesis team is committed to staying the course and continuing our work as an active builder participant of the ecosystem.

Developer Updates

  • Synesis One Site Update: The new Lo-Fi themed website is now live! Downtempo and chill, the retro-styled theme invites users to get into train2earn. Users can now access the Train2Earn App directly from the site.
  • Kanon Exchange site update: We’ve also revamped the website with the new Lo-Fi look. It will go live shortly. In addition, we’ve added two new features:
    1) SRI, or Synesis Relevancy Index, which ranks each of the 10,000 Kanon NFTs by usage and
    2) my earnings page, which will allow users to check earnings from train2earn and claim rewards.
  • Synesis One Chatbot: To answer newcomer questions on social media and our sites, we’re building a conversational AI powered by Mind Expression. We’re currently running campaigns in Train2Earn to crowdsource the ontologies.
  • Workspace by Synesis: We’re building the entire Train2Earn app (currently available through browser) into a mobile App. We anticipate our rollout will experience some delays, especially related to Apple’s aggressive stance on not allowing NFT transactions inside iOS app.

Train2Earn Open Beta

  • Train2Earn Improvements: Over the past month, our engineering team made several updates, making submissions faster and greatly improving the user experience.
  • Reward Structure: We simplified the reward structure and increased Builder rewards from USD 0.10 to USD 0.25 per validated utterance. We also set validator rewards at $.075 per validation in consensus. These changes bring our payouts in line with other leading crowdwork platforms.
  • Validator Onboarding: To scale, we’ve had to grow our pool of validators to keep up with the increasing volumes of utterances from our builders. Prospective validators must first prove themselves as builders (to understand the process) and then pass a test we developed to test their knowledge of DYF. We’re pleased to welcome several new validators this month.
  • More campaigns: We’ve increased the number of campaigns available to our builders and will continue to add more each week as we scale. We are busy onboarding new builders in India and Korea.

The Road Ahead

For December, our focus is on building our product (DYF and Workspace) and adding more Validators and Builders. This will continue into the first quarter of 2023.


The current market correction is disheartening and even gut-wrenching. But despite the downturn, we’re making good progress and are optimistic about the year ahead. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, and we look forward to launching our train2earn App on the Solana MainNet.


Synesis One team



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.