October: Monthly Newsletter

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2022

Greetings supporters!

We are fast approaching the launch of our crowdwork platform, which will allow anyone from anywhere to train AI for crypto. In this month’s newsletter, the Synesis One team is excited to share our recent platform updates and improvements to our Train2Earn app (formerly called DYF or Data Yield Farming).


  • The Synesis team is on their way to Lisbon, Portugal for the Breakpoint conference, the largest gathering of Solana developers in the world. Paul Lee will give a presentation on our gaming initiatives. If you’re in the city of lights (as the locals call it), please reach out to us!
  • Matt Sorg from the Solana Foundation has joined our advisory board. He previously worked at Unity and Riot Games as an expert in games and game engines. Matt will help us grow in the blockchain games space, which will help expand the utility of SNS tokens. He will also help us gain more support from the Solana ecosystem. We look forward to his contribution!
  • Gartner’s recent report Innovation Insight: Causal AI provides strong validation for the Mind AI team’s approach to AI, which focuses on understanding human intention rather than the correlation-based deep learning predictive models used by competitors. The report is behind a paywall but you can read a summary here.
  • We’re pleased to announce that Kanon NFTs and SNS tokens are now listed on Bitmart, which has helped increase daily liquidity and the number of SNS holders!

Workspace Update

Augustus Caesar believed that his generals should approach tasks with urgency tempered by diligence — hence his motto festina lente or ‘make haste slowly.’ At Synesis One, the team has adopted the same ‘hasten slowly’ approach, balancing speed with careful review and testing. During Open Beta, the team has identified and fixed several bugs and made key system improvements. Here are some of the highlights of our recent work:

  • The engineering team was able to greatly reduce the ‘hang time’ between submitting utterances or validations and having them register. Previously, builders and validators often had to wait several minutes between submissions. Now it’s much faster, which has greatly enhanced productivity.
  • Open beta now features several campaigns that will be used for real, commercial clients of Mind AI. If you’d like to experience DYF for yourself, check out the open beta test here.
  • The new product centric Synesis One website is slated to go live in the next week or so. It features a minimalist ‘lo-fi’ aesthetic and retro computer vibe which we think the community will love. Keep an eye out for the upgraded site here.
  • We’re cautiously optimistic that Workspace will be ready for a November release. Our goal is to roll out a revolutionary data crowdsourcing platform that allows users to earn crypto by training AI, from anywhere in the world.

Builders / Validators

In preparation for the upcoming launch of Workspace, the team has focused on writing guidelines to help our builders and validators, as well as gathering and implementing community feedback on DYF. Over the past few weeks, we’ve learned a great deal and have made a few key improvements.

  • Last month, we published a guide for our builders describing how to craft specific, general and entailment utterances. This month, we put together a guide for validators, with a clear rubric on how utterances are evaluated. This was a significant step, providing greater clarity for builders and validators alike. As a result, we’re already seeing a marked improvement in the quality of crowdsourced ontologies for Mind AI campaigns!
  • After careful review of the data and feedback from our builders, we decided to increase payment per approved utterance, to bring us more in line with compensation on other crowdwork platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. We expect this change will greatly increase retention and long-term loyalty.
  • We’re increasing the pool of validators and builders, in a ratio of 7 builders to each validator. Validation is crucial for the entire DYF process. Our goal is to provide daily feedback for builders. To secure the best possible validators, we’ve created an exam to screen candidates — and increased remuneration.

Closing thoughts

While much of the crypto market remains stuck in the doldrums, Synesis One is cruising ahead with the launch of our Train2Earn App. Thank you to all our supporters and community members!


Synesis One team



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.