Part 1: Diving Deep Into Our Dual Token System

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2021

Part 1: Diving Deep into our Dual Token System

🦋 The nature of our dual token system is very intricate, so we’ve decided to break it down into three parts over the next several weeks. Each part will focus on a fundamental aspect of the ecosystem.

Synesis One is offering a revolutionary way for NFT holders to earn sizable rewards through playing games, all while being part of a larger ecosystem and close-knit community. And we’re not just talking about a simple game environment that becomes boring over time, but rather one that has many layers and roles for every type of player!

This type of system allows players to interact and collaborate with each other while working towards the bigger picture: training AI systems with natural language. English is only one of the more than 7,000 human languages spread throughout the globe, so we’re in it for the long run!

It’s important for players to learn the ins and outs of this play-to-earn system so they can take advantage of it based on their own interests, skills, and desires.

Each token powers a different inter-dependent operational area:

  • SNS Token: The SNS token powers the SynesisDAO and it gives holders the right to participate and vote.
  • Kanon Token: The Kanon token powers the Kanon Exchange and is an NFT collectable.

Why a Dual Token System?

A dual token system raises the rewards potential for farmers and yield-generating NFT collectors. And since the purpose of SNS is to train AI, there is an immense amount of data required, which is collected through the natural language reasoning (NLR) games.

SNS Token and SynesisDAO

Powering SynesisDAO, the first of the two tokens that we’re going to look at is SNS. Synesis DAO is run by the SNS holders, and it operates on a decentralized governance structure with community voting.

There are a few important things to keep in mind about the SNS token:

  • It is the governance token.
  • It is the reward token.
  • Ownership and staking of Kanon is required to participate.
  • You play-to-earn.

In other words, SNS tokens actually provides rewards to holders and the opportunities to have a voice in the ecosystem. To earn them, you must play our NLR games while staking your NFTs.

Which Player Will You Be?

So you want to be a player within the exciting SynesisDao ecosystem? You have a few different options based on how much you want to be involved, what your skills are, and how much you want to earn.

There are three main players:

  1. Architect: The Architect requires skills in planning, communication, and design, and their primary job is to interact with AI companies to design campaigns that fit their needs. In other words, the Architect creates the AI training dataset. These campaigns will then be passed off to the other two types of players. This is a more intensive task that requires more time and professionalism, and it provides the highest potential for rewards.
  2. Builder: The builder is designed for those of you that are looking to jump in and out of the game, earning sporadic rewards. The Builder’s main task is to give feedback to the AI, which is done by providing natural language inputs, such as phrases and expressions. The Builder doesn’t need to possess the same special skills as the Architect, but they can eventually build up enough experience to become specialized in a certain data type, domain, subject matter, AI engine, culture, or language.
  3. Validator: The Validator is open to anyone and everyone, but it is especially beneficial for those with a critical mind. The Validator basically evaluates the work submitted by the Builders before accepting or rejecting it. Similar to the Builder, the Validator can become specialized in a certain area.

Whichever role you decide to choose, you will be rewarded for higher-quality work. In other words, if you are a Builder and all of your work is being validated and accepted by the Validator, you open yourself up to earning more. On the other hand, Builders and Validators that perform below a certain threshold can lose a portion of their stakes.

This is the first part of our dual-token system, and it is the most interactive through gaming. In our next article, we will talk about the Kanon NFT, which is a passive income generating collectable. By owning a Kanon, you will also be owning a piece of this exciting game!

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Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.