
Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2022

Find the answers to this story and win $SNS directly to your wallet.

Jaeger, Quantum Noesis Character

Synesis One combines the power of humans and AI so that AI can make better sense of the world!

Reflection is a spoof-story adapted from the original Quantum Noesis game. It was written with the help of one of our Ambassadors and AI via a story algorithm, and edited so that it made sense😜! Find the five missing words in this story and you could win 1,000 SNS. (1) Join our Discord, and (2) submit the missing words to the story here within 72 hours!

Melar sat in ___1____(🎶 🎧 Missing word can be found in The Dixie Chicks/The Chick’s Easy Silence, word #38) in his usual position at the back of the war room shrouded in shadows ,figuratively and literally speaking. The gloom suited him perfectly these days. Maybe it was stress ,maybe it was hormones….maybe it was because of some other emotions he wasn’t ready to think about yet…..All he knew is that he was beginning to feel mighty pissed off lately, and that’s saying something for him.

Starting out life as a sewer rat isn’t exactly the best way to nurture a fun loving optimistic nature, yet he had managed to end up that way. Nor is it the best way to nurture a submissive law abiding character for that matter, either which is why he ended up with this merry band of misfits.

He was in the middle of pulling a shoe shine scam when a gang of older Rats decided now would be a good time to remind him of turf boundaries. Unsurprisingly he bolted, but they soon caught up to him as he kinda knew it was inevitable that he was gonna get a beating anyway.

He had never been much of a fighter, although he never had a problem taking a punch regardless of the reason. In the end though, what stuck with him from this particular beating was the first punch, or rather kick to the face would be the more accurate description, which was delivered by the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

It — and if he was being honest, he didn’t mean her martial prowess- caught him off guard so much so that he forgot to lift his guard, thus rewarding him with a swift kick between the eyes. He still carries the scar with him reminding him of that day.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the second kick hit just under his eye, somehow spinning him around and dropping him, face first, into the mud and who knows what else. He would never forget the smell of feces mixing with the taste of his own ___2____(🎶 🎧 Missing word can be found in Bob Dylan’s Master of War-Shergun remix, word #94) as he came around just in time to witness Mark turning up to save the day…. talk about insult to injury!

From what he can remember of the scene, besides being a tad fuzzy, and only able to see through one eye, is that Mark knew kung fu, or some other kind of matrix style because in a short time all the rats were on the ground groaning or helping each other to escape….that is, all except for the girl. She had already vanished. All he remembers next is a blurry silhouette of a man crouching down, reaching out his ___3____ (🎶 🎧 Missing word can be found in Mary Gauthier’s Mercy Now, word #135) and saying, “Can you hear me kid? My name’s Jaegar and I’m just going to check your injuries”.

Jaeger forever changed my life that day. Whether he realized it or not and even if it was not in the way he might have initially wanted, it was still true in more ways than one.

Jaeger had picked Melar up and loaded him into the back seat of his truck, not appearing to be overly bothered by Melar bleeding and smearing filth over the plush leather seats, adding to the ever growing list of mortifying moments. He then took him to his workplace where they patched him up and allowed him to sleep in a real bed….ahhh what a surreal experience that was waking up in it with a concussion… .Anyway this is not the time to be dwelling on that window into a different life!

It still baffles him how the worst day of your life can also be the best day of your life.

Now here he was, all because of this one random event. The sole ___4____ (🎶 🎧 Missing word can be found in Rebekah Fitch’s Loose Ends, word #80) his new family had first sought him out and gave him his new name. Since then, this life is all he’s known. The first family he’s ever been part of. Being part of something bigger than himself. “An integral part of an operation to change the future of humanity”…apparently!

Everything was bliss ….For a while at least ….Until ___5____(🎶 🎧 Missing word can be found in Of Monsters and Men’s Dirty Paws, word #48) showed up.

Ready to submit the five missing words? 🦋 Do so here within 72 hours of the publish date.



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.