September: Monthly Newsletter

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
4 min readOct 1, 2022

Greetings Supporters!

‘Septembear’ has traditionally been a bearish month for crypto, but not at Synesis One! We’re bullish about our latest progress and are excited to share it with you. In this issue, we are pleased to announce support from the Solana Foundation, the successful launch of open beta for our Train2Earn platform, and the upcoming launch (iPhone and Android and Saga) of our train2earn App in Q4.


  • Solana Foundation Grant: Synesis One has been awarded a Solana Mobile Stack grant! In addition to funding, the Solana Foundation will work closely with our team and provide support during the development of our mobile App. In addition, our Train2Earn App will be one of only a handful of apps featured in the initial release of the SMS dapp store!
  • Solana Hacker House: We participated in Solana Hacker House in Singapore Sept 21–25th. Isaac Bang was at the event connecting with the community of developers. We found a few interesting collaboration partners to expand our ecosystem. At this point, we are currently looking to add more DYFers, AI companies or just crypto projects seeking opportunities to add campaigns on Synesis.
  • New CEX Listing: We are in final discussion in terms of listing $SNS on a new CEX along with Kanon NFT. We will update everyone once it is ready to go live.

Workspace Updates!

  • Closed Beta results: The closed beta results are in! You can read the overview article here. The key takeaways are:
  1. Train2Earn is working well and is off to a great start
  2. Quality of submissions is more important than quantity
  3. Validation criteria are becoming tighter, to improve accuracy of Mind AI’s chatbot.
  • Open Beta launched: Open Beta for DYF (data yield farming) started on September 1st. It’s now open for everyone who wants to earn $SNS. You can join us at We kicked off with 2-week sprints but switched to single-week sprints, since things are moving quickly! All payouts for validated utterances will also be released every week. We are paying approximately 10–15 SNS per validated utterance. Please note that the system is currently running on Devnet and you will need to receive and use the devnet version of SOL and SNS. Check out our Open Beta guide here.
  • New developer: We added a new full-stack and RUST developer who will work on bug fixes and improvements on Kanon Exchange. A welcome addition and super excited to have him and his contribution going forward.

User Acquisition

In preparation for the upcoming launch of our Train2Earn App, the team has been putting together partnerships to secure more builders and creating content to help them master train2earn. Some of our initiatives include:

  • Securetool Partnership: We forged a partnership with Securetool, which helps underserved communities in emerging markets use blockchain technologies to create economic opportunities. Secure Tool’s MetaWork platform provides access, via mobile phone, to a suite of tools that allows anyone to work from anywhere. The platform also enables MetaWorkers with peer-to-peer money transfers, as well as deposits and savings; especially important to communities where access to banking is a perennial problem. CEO Scott Holbrook has onboarded dozens of well-educated men and women to do data yield farming on our platform. We’re excited to work with them and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial association. Check out some of their excellent video tutorials here.
  • Builder Guide: To help our builders improve their efficiency, we put together a Train2Earn guide, which you can read here.
  • Website update: Our designer is hard at work updating the Synesis website, which will focus more on how users can make money with our Train2Earn App. We expect the new design and content to go live this month.
  • Twitter Space AMA: Each weekend, our leadership team hosts a Twitter Space AMA. The questions and feedback are extremely valuable, and we appreciate the opportunity to interact with the community. Our next AMA is on October 1st. Check it out here.

The Road Ahead

In Q4, the Synesis team will focus on Open Beta and the launch of our Train2Earn App. Here’s what’s on the roadmap for the next three months:

  • October: The team will be 100% focused on Open Beta and polishing our Train2Earn experience.
  • November: We’ll be at Break Point on Nov 4–7 in Lisbon, Portugal and gearing up for the launch of our mobile app.
  • December: We’ll be introducing the first gamification features to Workspace.

Closing thoughts

Over the past year, we’ve been quietly building and gearing up for the launch of our core product, the Train2Earn App. Now we’re almost there! Thank you to everyone who has supported us, and we look forward to demonstrating the power of our technology.


Synesis One team



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.