Yes! You Can Own a Word!

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2021

There are many things in this world you can own, both digitally and physically. In the physical world, you can own a car, while in the digital world, you can own crypto. But the possibility of owning a word has probably never crossed your mind. As our digital world grows more complex, there are more opportunities than ever to own valuable and unique digital assets.

You might be wondering: Why would I want to own a word? For starters, you can be one of the first to take advantage of this growing marketplace, setting yourself up to trade, collect, and hold words to earn rewards. Secondly, we have a personal attachment to them. If words are so meaningful and fundamental to us as humans, shouldn’t that value transfer over to the digital world, just like it has with art, currency, and images?

Word Ownership IRL

It is not possible to own words in real life, despite what many believe. Even if someone owns a trademark for a word, it does not mean they have complete ownership of it.

As far as the extent to which trademarks are applicable to words, they can only prevent businesses from using a similar trademark to cause customer confusion over a product, which might benefit the lesser-known product. This means that two companies can have identical trademarks on a word, but their products must be considerably different to avoid infringement.

Words as NFTs

Real life and our digital world are not the same and have a different set of rules, even if the lines are often blurred. With the recent explosion of NFT technology, all of the rage around these tokens of ownership has been largely focused on assets like digital art, tweets, pictures, GIFs, movies, and audio files. The Synesis One ecosystem is the first of its kind to offer this same opportunity for thousands of words within its Kanon Collections.

NFTs place value on unique and rare assets, and what is more unique and rare than each one of the estimated 450,000+ words in the English language?[1] As we move further into a technology and AI-driven world, the value of words is only going to increase. They are fundamental to so many of the technologies we use in our day-to-day lives and key to training the next state-of-the-art AI systems.

Which Words Will You Own?

With this many unique words, it can be daunting to decide which are worth owning. This doesn’t have to be a process, and you can choose words based on anything. You can opt to collect those that hold the highest potential to yield rewards, or maybe you want to own some of your favorites, a color, or some other word that has personal meaning or value to you. The possibilities are endless.

Whether we are always aware of it or not, words and language are deeply personal to us. They shape the way in which we see the world, and they are the most important tool that we have as humans. People will have different reasons for choosing certain words, but whichever ones you decide to own, you will be taking part in a revolutionary new environment, helping train AI, and playing a role in shaping the future of technology at the same time.

Renowned linguist Edward Sapir, who is considered one of the most important figures in the development of the linguistics field in the United States, once said “Language is the most massive and inclusive art we know, a mountainous and anonymous work of unconscious generations.” You now have the opportunity to become even more connected to this art while giving words new meaning.

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  1. “How Many Words Are There in English?” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.