C2 Object Storage approved as Veeam Ready for Object

The ultimate solution for modern backup management

Leigh Huang
Synology C2
3 min readFeb 14, 2023


Joining forces with Veeam

The era of digitalization has brought with it the need for robust data management solutions, and C2 Object Storage and Veeam are here to deliver just that.

C2 Object Storage, a cloud-based storage solution from Synology, has just been approved as a Veeam Ready for Object solution, which means that C2 Object Storage is now a Veeam alliance partner.

Learn more about what object storage is.

This partnership between C2 Object Storage and Veeam combines the best of both worlds: Veeam’s data management platform and C2 Object Storage’s scalability, durability, and availability. Together, these two solutions offer a comprehensive solution for modern backup management, data security and compliance, ransomware protection, and more.

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What is Veeam Ready?

Veeam provides a single platform for managing and protecting your data for cloud, virtual, and Kubernetes environments. Veeam Ready is Veeam’s comprehensive certification program that helps customers identify compatible and high-performing technology solutions for their Veeam-powered data management and protection needs.

The Veeam Ready program provides a set of standardized testing and validation criteria to ensure that storage solutions work seamlessly with Veeam Backup & Replication and meet user’s requirements for performance, scalability, and reliability.

Veeam Ready for Object specifically validates object storage solutions as ideal targets for Veeam Backup & Replication. This lets you know that the object storage solution has been tested and approved to work with Veeam Backup & Replication, and is qualified to meet specific backup and recovery requirements for object-based data.

Some of Veeam’s other partners in the program include Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, IBM, and many more.

A cloud object storage solution for all

C2 Object Storage leverages the latest object storage technology to offer cost-effective, scalable, and highly durable data storage.

With C2 Object Storage, you can easily comply with the 3–2–1 backup rule by offloading your backup data to the cloud without having to pay for data downloads for recoveries. You can also have backups sent to both your local storage and C2 Object Storage at the same time.

Easily navigate and manage content with C2 Object Storage’s intuitive portal

Additionally, C2 Object Storage provides native support for S3 APIs, allowing for seamless integration with the tools you’re already using. Not only that, but it is also designed to provide the reliability and data durability needed to support critical backup and recovery operations.

With features like versioning, data replication, and disaster recovery options, C2 Object Storage safeguards your backup data, providing reliable protection and peace of mind.

Your Veeam Ready object storage solution

C2 Object Storage offers a highly reliable and scalable solution for backup data storage, with multiple data centers worldwide for data availability and security round-the-clock. Its ease of use and streamlined system make C2 Object Storage suitable for businesses of all sizes. Furthermore, its partnership with Veeam is great news for businesses looking for a comprehensive backup solution.

Start with a bang — Get 15 GB for free!

Don’t miss out on the chance to try C2 Object Storage for free! You can get your first 15 GB for free and experience the seamless integration with Veeam Backup & Replication, high-performance storage, and robust security measures that come standard with C2 Object Storage.

Sign up today to take advantage of the best backup target solution on the market!

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