Streamlining employee access and security: The power of Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Discover the benefits of IAM and how to simplify centralized access management

Leigh Huang
Synology C2
4 min readJun 8, 2023


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

In today’s digital landscape, managing user identities, accounts, and access permissions across multiple resources can be a complex and time-consuming task. This is where Identity and Access Management (IAM) comes into play.

In this article, we will explore the concept of IAM and its key features. We will also discuss why businesses need IAM and the challenges they face. Finally, we’ll introduce C2 Identity, Synology’s IAM service, as a solution to overcome these challenges.

What is Identity and Access Management (IAM)?

Identity and Access Management (IAM) solves the problem of users having to remember multiple accounts and passwords for various online resources and services. Its primary goal is to help IT personnel efficiently manage employee identities, accounts, and passwords. By centralizing access management, IAM enables quicker, more convenient, and more secure control of all services, regardless of time and location.

Key features of IAM

  • Single sign-on (SSO): Simplify authentication with a single set of credentials for multiple applications.
  • Provisioning and deprovisioning: Efficiently create and remove user accounts for various applications through the IAM system.
  • Access management for Mac and Windows devices: Control access to resources on different operating systems.
  • On-prem authentication: Extend IAM capabilities to authenticate users for on-premises applications.
  • User self-service portal: Allow users to manage their own passwords and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security.

Why do businesses need IAM?

IAM is critical for businesses that require secure access to certain resources. For IT administrators, IAM offers efficient account management and lifecycle monitoring, centralized management, and a single directory for simplified administration. Not only that, but adaptation to remote work trends is also easier with the ability to make device permission adjustments without needing to access devices physically. This has an added bonus effect of making onboarding and offboarding employees a lot simpler.

On the other hand, employees can benefit from IAM’s convenient use of a single account for signing in across various work applications. Plus, IAM allows for easy configuration and password reset options and enhanced security through MFA and other authentication methods.

Challenges of most IAM solutions

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the business landscape, moving away from the traditional Windows-centric office environment. To accommodate diverse operating systems such as Linux and macOS, as well as the growing presence of remote employees and the adoption of cloud applications like Google Workspace and Salesforce, businesses face the challenge of managing identities and access across various platforms.

Additionally, the integration of on-prem solutions like SMB, NAS appliances, and cloud storage services adds another layer of complexity to identity and access management..

Photo by Ken Tomita on Pexels

When it comes to implementing an identity management system, safely and conveniently centralizing access management is crucial. The lack of a comprehensive solution can result in security breaches and unauthorized access, which can be costly and damaging to a business’s reputation.

Furthermore, traditional identity solutions like Microsoft Active Directory (AD) still function as a staple identity management system for most IT organizations. However, AD only provides support for Windows, so other platforms like macOS and other cloud-based IT resources get the short end of the stick.

The complexity of managing identities and access in this multi-platform and hybrid environment requires a robust and comprehensive solution. This is where C2 Identity, Synology’s IAM service, comes in.

The ideal IAM service, at your fingertips

Synology’s C2 Identity is a cloud-based IAM service that provides cost-effective setup and maintenance. With support for Single Sign-On (SSO) for cloud applications and Edge Server support for on-prem services and legacy protocols, C2 Identity offers a comprehensive solution.

Easily manage your devices and applications in the C2 Identity admin portal

And by providing coverage for macOS and Windows device management, C2 Identity effectively addresses the challenges faced by businesses and stands above traditional identity management solutions. Plus, C2 Identity can be easily integrated with Active Directory (AD), so you can conveniently sync your users and groups across services.

C2 Identity is scalable, flexible, and offers centralized control. If your business requires a solution that not only provides secure access to resources and cross-platform device management but also works perfectly with Active Directory and supports customizable app integration, C2 Identity has exactly what you need!

Get started today!

Identity and Access Management (IAM) plays a crucial role in simplifying access management, enhancing security, and enabling efficient administration for businesses. With C2 Identity, businesses can leverage a cloud-based IAM service that offers scalability, flexibility, and centralized control.

You can get your identity management going with the free plan, or learn how to get the Business plan free for the first 30 days.

Wanna see C2 Identity in action? Book a demonstration session with our experts now to experience the benefits of IAM first-hand.

Take control of your access management needs today with C2 Identity!

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