Syntegra’s Next Step: Announcing the Synthetic Data API

Ofer Mendelevitch
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2022

When we first started Syntegra in late 2019, we couldn’t have imagined we’d be where we are now.

In our early conversations, most people we spoke with had never even heard of synthetic data, let alone understood the possibilities it held for healthcare.

Now, we’re working with leading health systems and payers, global pharma companies and major research institutions. And we’re empowering health tech companies with the data they need to bring new ideas and effective solutions to real-world problems.

I couldn’t be more excited for Syntegra’s next step in launching our Synthetic Data API . And I hope you are too.

We’re doing things a bit differently.

We’re providing access to patient-level synthetic healthcare data. Not just EHR data. Or claims. Or data in FHIR or Medicare CCLF formats. Or pre-processed, analytics-ready data. We’re providing all of the above, and continuing to expand.

There is no one size fits all in healthcare, as is evident by the continuous stream of health tech companies popping up to solve very specific problems. We created the Synthetic Data API to provide easier, faster data access to accelerate all of these new ideas, whether it’s a new app to improve care coordination, an algorithm to predict disease and improve time to diagnosis, or a clinical decision support tool.

We built our API to be flexible. Multipurpose.

This means you can access thousands, or even millions, of realistic diverse patient records directly in your workflow. You can also build specific patient cohorts that are relevant to your research. And because the API is powered by Syntegra synthetic data, privacy is guaranteed far beyond traditional de-identification and HIPAA or GDPR compliance.

Innovations in healthcare are meant to improve people’s lives. But marked change in the era of big data has slowed while trying to find the right balance in the tradeoff between protecting patient privacy but also needing highly accurate, detailed data. Syntegra is tackling this head on, increasing the value and utility of healthcare data to help improve patient care and clinical outcomes across the board.

We just launched the beta version of the Synthetic Data API, and we’re constantly making improvements. Think of a feature or use case that you can’t do now but would like to? Drop us a note !



Ofer Mendelevitch

A hands-on leader with broad experience in AI and machine learning.