The Power of Simple Code in Startup Success

Prioritizing KISS Principle, Onboarding, and Speed to Market

Cansin Yildiz
Synthetica Magazine
5 min readApr 24, 2023


An illustration of a startup rocket ship blasting off, symbolizing the importance of speed to market.
Photo by Midjourney

Startups have a lot of pressure to succeed quickly, so they can start generating revenue and impressing investors. As a result, many founders focus on creating smart solutions that are optimized for efficiency and scalability. However, this approach can be counterproductive in the long run. Instead, it’s better to write code and develop systems that are stupidly simple and intended for even junior developers to be able to maintain. Here are six reasons why.

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) Principle Is Right

The KISS principle is a design guideline that encourages developers to keep things as simple as possible. It’s based on the idea that unnecessary complexity can cause confusion, errors, and other issues. When you’re working on a startup, you don’t want to waste time and resources on features and functionalities that won’t directly contribute to your core business. Instead, you should focus on delivering a minimum viable product (MVP) that addresses the most critical needs of your users.

By following the KISS principle, you can ensure that your MVP is easy to understand, use, and maintain, which can save you time and money down the line. It also makes it easier to pivot or make changes as you receive feedback from users or the market. Simplifying your codebase and product also allows you to quickly test your assumptions and experiment with different features or ideas. This iterative approach enables you to identify what works and what doesn’t without investing too much time or resources upfront.

Maintenance Is Easier for Simple Solutions

When you’re working on a startup, you need to be able to move fast and make changes quickly. However, if your codebase is overly complex, making changes can be a nightmare. Developers need to be able to understand how your code works and make changes without breaking anything. If your code is too complicated, it can take a lot of time to make changes, and it can be easy to introduce new bugs.

However, if your code is simple and straightforward, making changes is much easier. Junior developers can quickly get up to speed, and experienced developers can make changes without worrying about unintended consequences. Additionally, a simple codebase reduces the likelihood of introducing bugs or creating technical debt. As your startup grows, you’ll be able to maintain your codebase more efficiently, which frees up time and resources to focus on other areas of your business.

Onboarding Is Easier for Simple Codebases

As your startup grows, you’ll need to hire new developers to keep up with demand. When you bring on new team members, you want to get them up to speed as quickly as possible. However, if your codebase is too complicated, it can take a long time to onboard new hires. They need to learn how your code works, what each part does, and how it fits together.

However, if your codebase is simple and straightforward, onboarding is much easier. Junior developers can quickly get up to speed, and experienced developers can start contributing right away. This allows you to scale your team more efficiently and take on new projects or initiatives. Additionally, having a simple codebase makes it easier to collaborate and communicate with your team. You can avoid misunderstandings or miscommunications that can arise from working with complex systems.

You Don’t Need to Reinvent the Wheel

Many startups fall into the trap of trying to build everything from scratch. However, this approach can be costly, time-consuming, and unnecessary. There are many open-source libraries, frameworks, and tools that can help you build your product faster and more efficiently. By using existing solutions, you can focus on your core business and deliver value to your customers faster.

Furthermore, using open-source solutions allows you to leverage the expertise and knowledge of a community of developers. You can benefit from the updates and improvements that are made to the tool or library over time. Additionally, using open-source solutions can help you avoid legal issues or licensing fees that can arise from building everything from scratch. By adopting a “not-invented-here” mindset, you can save time and resources that can be used to differentiate your product in the market.

Early Optimization Is the Root of All Evil

Optimization is essential for any software project, but it’s important to optimize at the right time. Many startups make the mistake of optimizing too early, which can lead to wasted time and resources. If you optimize before you have a clear understanding of your users’ needs, you risk building features and functionalities that no one wants or needs. Instead, focus on delivering a minimum viable product that addresses the most critical needs of your users. Once you have a better understanding of your users’ needs, you can optimize your codebase accordingly.

It’s also important to remember that optimization is not a one-time event. As your startup grows and your user base expands, you’ll need to continue optimizing your codebase to keep up with demand. By focusing on delivering a minimum viable product first and optimizing later, you can ensure that your codebase evolves with your startup’s needs.

Speed to Market Is More Important Than Scalability

As a startup, your primary goal is to get your product to market as quickly as possible. You need to start generating revenue and impressing investors before you run out of resources. While scalability is important, it’s not the most critical factor in the early stages of your startup. Instead, you should focus on delivering a minimum viable product that can demonstrate the value of your solution and attract early adopters. Once you have a user base, you can start improving your product’s scalability and performance.

In the early stages of your startup, it’s important to prioritize speed to market over scalability. Your focus should be on delivering a product that solves a problem for your users and demonstrates the value of your solution. Once you have a user base and are generating revenue, you can start investing in scalability and improving your product’s performance. By focusing on speed to market first, you can increase your chances of success and stand out in a competitive market.

In conclusion, startups should prioritize writing code and developing systems that are stupidly simple and intended for even junior developers to maintain. By following the KISS principle, you can ensure that your MVP is easy to understand, use, and maintain, which can save you time and money down the line. Additionally, maintenance, onboarding, and using existing solutions are easier with a simple codebase. Early optimization can be a waste of resources, and speed to market is more important than scalability in the early stages of a startup. By focusing on delivering a minimum viable product and building on top of it as you grow, you can increase your chances of success and stand out in a competitive market.

Disclaimer: This piece has been written in collaboration with ChatGPT.



Cansin Yildiz
Synthetica Magazine

Software Architect, and Engineering Advisor. Was a Founding Engineer #3 @Udemy.