Syntropy and the Internet of Things: Developers Are Building Now

New projects fueled by our Builders program show how any IoT network can be deployed and optimized using our technology.

Jonas Simanavicius
3 min readFeb 4, 2021

At its core, an IoT network is a group of connected devices that communicate without human involvement. Popular examples include autonomous cars, smart appliances, and wearable tech. The global IoT market — already worth more than $700 billion — is expected to grow rapidly in the years to come.

What is often ignored, however, is the immense volume of information that must be facilitated across these devices on a continuous basis. These communications present two considerable risks:

  1. Security
  2. Latency & Reliability

By building IoT networks with Syntropy Stack, businesses, developers, and end users all reap the rewards. Network setup and management is simplified, reducing costs and room for error. Meanwhile, all connections are encrypted by default with built-in performance optimization, directly addressing the two challenges listed above.

Through the Syntropy Builders program — which incentivizes the application of our technology to major use cases — developers have already begun using Syntropy Stack for IoT deployments. A member of the program, Craig Pickard, created a detailed tutorial for other developers to create Syntropy+IoT deployments. Let’s take a look.

Developers can click here to read Craig’s Syntropy+IoT tutorial.

Watch Craig bring developers through a live demo of a Syntropy+IoT deployment.

Craig’s tutorial brings developers through the process of creating their very own secure and optimized IoT network using Syntropy. Most people with a basic understanding of networking technologies should be able to replicate his work, whether they’re a hobbyist or a CTO at a large tech company.

Developers will likely appreciate the speed and simplicity of our technology, but on a connection basis, the benefits expand. As mentioned, security, latency, and reliability are critical considerations for IoT networks. With Syntropy, these challenges are addressed automatically, directly within the deployment environment.


Many IoT networks comprise thousands of endpoints, all of which need maximum security. Last year, two million FitBit accounts were compromised, leaking user data directly to cybercriminals. The damage incurred by hijacking an IoT network could be far worse. Imagine if an autonomous car’s communication is hacked. Results can be deadly.

By using Syntropy, developers address the IoT security challenge by establishing connections which include built-in WireGuard encryption, a next-gen protocol that optimizes both security and performance. With encryption by default, the internet becomes a privacy-oriented experience from the moment of connection.

Syntropy Stack gives developers high visibility over their deployments, an important consideration when managing risk with IoT infrastructure.

Latency & Reliability

In addition to security, all Syntropy connections include performance optimization by default. Acting as “the Waze of the web,” Syntropy’s technology automatically routes Internet traffic around blockages and outages, resulting in transmissions that are faster, more reliable, and more secure.

Why is this critical for IoT applications?

Throughout the industry, executives understand the need for ultra-reliable, and low-latency communications. Consider self-driving cars, which all require connections with the lowest latency possible. They must communicate with other cars or edge devices rapidly to make collision-avoidance devisions. Medical IoT use cases, particularly remote surgery, also require extremely low latency and maximum reliability.

“A bad connection or a slow one can have drastic life-or-death consequences.” — Connor Craven, SDXCentral

When making connections with Syntropy Stack, connections are automatically optimized for performance, an ideal use case for critical IoT deployments.


Running IoT deployments on Syntropy solves many of the industry’s major challenges when it comes to security, reliability, and latency. Through Craig’s work, developers can start to use our technology to easily launch and manage IoT networks with built-in encryption and performance.

Interested in running an IoT deployment with Syntropy? Join our Telegram or request access today.

