Syntropy Stack + GTA FiveM: Gaming Integration

More gamers can now use Syntropy technology with their favorite gaming universes.

Jonas Simanavicius
2 min readJul 19, 2021

Syntropy Stack is a collection of tools and applications that allows developers to automatically establish secure, stable, high-performance connections between any connection. Everything built with Syntropy Stack will have plug-and-play abilities to ride on the Syntropy network, which gives all traffic faster, more secure connections.

If you want to learn why integrations are so valuable to the Syntropy ecosystem and long-term network adoption, read this quick primer.

Gaming is a natural use case for our technology. Gamers demand low-latency, low jitter connections at all times. Security is also a concern in the wake of several major data breaches and cheating scandals that have plagued the industry.

Today, we’re excited to release a new gaming integration that gives millions of gamers the ability to spin up optimized, encrypted-by-default gaming experiences on FiveM, a modification for Grand Theft Auto V enabling you to play multiplayer on customized dedicated servers.

While we’re working to make the integrations as easy to use as possible, anyone in the world can experience a Syntropy+FiveM gaming experience today by following the simple instructions below. You’ll gain encrypted-by-default connections immediately, with performance benefits (like lower latency, jitter, and packet loss) added once our DARP system (which runs on NOIA tokens) is connected with the rest of the tech stack.

You can view the full instructions on our GitHub repo here.

These integrations present several benefits. First, they onboard real-world users onto our technology immediately. Second, they open doors for future partnerships. Integrating technology with Syntropy can significantly improve user experience, providing a provable use case to potential partners.

You can now game on FiveM and GTA V with Syntropy-enabled connections.

Lastly, these integrations help us form stronger bonds with gaming communities. For example, our recent CS:GO tournament brought major influencers like MrTweeday, DevMarta, and Manic onto our technology.

Already, we’ve launched integrations with CS:GO, Minecraft, and Terraria. This FiveM integration is the latest addition, with more to follow as our team focuses on ways to drive adoption in anticipation of the network launch.

A brief message from Zygis, a member of our tech team.

