Syntropy Tokenomics & Staking

Introducing the Open Internet Economy: the alternative connectivity system for the public Internet.

Jonas Simanavicius
2 min readApr 28, 2021

Today we’re proud to introduce the Open Internet Economy: the alternative connectivity system for the public Internet. The end result will be a safer, faster, more reliable internet experience while maintaining full compatibility with current internet protocols.

View: One-Pager


This alternative connectivity system is made possible via the NOIA token. NOIA is the “gas” which facilitates the entire system. All bits of data sent through any device are accounted for in tokens. Additionally, NOIA creates the initial financial incentives for this network to be created and then operated by, and for, the user community.

You can find all of the details by reading the Full Tokenomics Paper.

Click to Read: Full Tokenomics Paper


View: Staking


Syntropy transforms the public internet into a public good, operated and governed by a global community of users. Staking will launch in May. This compliments the rest of our achieved milestones and turns our attention to full mainnet release.

Monitor our Telegram, follow our Twitter, and join our upcoming Video AMA with Syntropy’s CEO Domas and CTO Jonas for upcoming updates on how to participate in and contribute to the Open Internet Economy.

