Validator Staking Registration Starts Now

Registration is open for 500 validator slots, with maximum stakes of 200,000 tokens each for a total of 100 million tokens.

Jonas Simanavicius
4 min readMay 27, 2021

Today we’re introducing staking for the NOIA ERC-20 token. The staking program is designed to initiate the token economy and enable Syntropy to acquire validators for its blockchain.

Token holders willing to run validators can register to stake their tokens, generating yield for their contributions. Validators will be checked against registered wallet addresses and minimum requirements. Yields will accumulate starting today, with distributions beginning at a later time when stakes are moved on to ERC-20 smart contracts.

Registration is now live: REGISTER HERE

You can find more information on Syntropy tokenomics and staking by visiting the links below:

Validator Staking Roadmap

  • Stage 1: Validator registration starts, qualified registrants claim their slots and start generating yield immediately.
  • Stage 2: ERC-20 Smart Contracts arrive and validators moving their stakes to the staking smart contract.
  • Stage 3: Validators start connecting to the network as technical requirements are being checked.

The earned rewards can be claimed once all three stages are completed.

*Last edited: 31st of August.

To claim your spot as a validator, you must:

  1. Fill out the registration form here:
  2. Make sure the ERC-20 wallet address you provide carries the minimum required amount of NOIA tokens or more

Staking rules

  • Once you complete the previous steps, you become eligible to start earning a yield.
  • The wallet(s) you provide must maintain at least the minimum balance of NOIA tokens, otherwise you will lose your validator status.
  • Our script will track the movements of whitelisted wallets and their balances, and calculate their respective yields.
  • If your balance falls below 20k you give up your position in the list and will no longer be able to claim your yield. If your balance goes over 200k, you will not earn any extra as that’s the maximum stake per whitelisted wallet.
  • You will claim the tokens you earn during this period after you successfully become a validator, prove you meet the minimum technical requirements, and move your stake to an ERC-20 smart contract.

Before the 500 validator limit is reached, there is no difference whether you stake the minimum or maximum amount of tokens in terms of securing your spot. However, after the first 500 validators enter the system, existing validators may be pushed out if new validators elect to stake more tokens than they do.

At maximum capacity, there should be 500 validators staking 200k tokens each for a combined total of 100 million tokens.

Before the smart contracts arrive, we will track every wallet registered and continuously monitor them to make sure they:

  • maintain the required balance;
  • meet the minimum technical requirements;
  • move their stake onto the Smart Contract.


Do I need to have the infrastructure ready starting today?

No, you will only need to prove you meet technical requirements at the time of your validator connecting to the network.

Can I move my tokens during this period?

Yes, you can move your tokens as long as you maintain the minimum required amount of 20k NOIA. However your yield directly depends on the amount you stake, therefore changing the balance may affect your earnings.

How to stop being a validator and what are the penalties?

Before your stake is locked in a ERC-20 smart contract, you can take down your validator, move out your tokens and you will automatically be removed from the validator list.

When can I become a nominator?

Nominator staking becomes available later when ERC-20 smart contracts are fully developed and audited by an external auditor.

Can I see how much my validator earned?

Not yet. Later we will launch a dashboard to monitor your yield generation.

Can I see how many validators have already registered?

Not yet. You will be able to see this later. In the meantime, aim to sign up as soon as possible to be on the safe side.

Can I be sure that I secured my spot as a validator?

You secure your spot if your wallet is among the first 500 wallets to be registered. However, in case of oversubscription, wallets carrying the maximum amount of 200k NOIA will be prioritized to eventually reach the desired stake rate.

Disclaimer, Terms, and Conditions

Some countries will be excluded from receiving token rewards from Syntropy. Depending on your stake size, we might have to ask you to submit certain documentation to comply with KYC/AML regulations. Please familiarize yourself with Syntropy Staking Terms and Conditions by visiting


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