Advantages of React Native

JP Wallhorn
Syntx — News, Blog & Insights
5 min readAug 12, 2019

Advantages of React Native

With the majority of users now relying on mobile devices to access the internet, having a mobile app is a must for any business. As well as facilitating the sale of goods and services, a mobile app can be a great way to boost engagement and connect with your target audience.

Of course, in order to be effective, your mobile app must offer seamless functionality, high levels of security and enjoyable user experience. To achieve this, you’ll need to use a reliable and secure method of mobile app development.

What is React Native?

Creating a bridge between the JavaScript framework and native development, React Native makes it easy for companies and developers to create mobile apps. Whilst React Native ensures that apps can be developed for mobile devices, rather than targeting browsers, creators can rely on their existing knowledge of JavaScript to make this happen.

Generally, React Native mobile app development involves using JavaScript and XMLesque language. However, if only JavaScript and XML were used, creators would be forced to rely on webviews when it comes to rendering the app. With React Native, however, the native rendering APIs in iOS and Android systems are utilized. This means that mobile app development using React Native will result in apps that look, feel and work like any other native app, despite being built within the JavaScript framework.

Who uses React Native?

The is a vast network of companies already using React Native to create their mobile apps. In fact, many of the apps you’re currently using have probably been built using React Native! To date, apps, such as Tesla, Myntra, Gyroscope, UberEats, Instagram, Townske, Discovery VR, Bloomberg, and Facebook Ads Manager, have been created using React Native.

With some of the most popular companies and brands relying on React Native to deliver their apps to millions of users, it’s easy to see just how effective it is. Providing superb functionality and security, as well as exceptional UX, React Native is being used by the biggest brands in the world.

Of course, you don’t have to be a multinational company or a conglomerate to reap the rewards that React Native brings. Due to its scalability, React Native can be used by businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re an entrepreneur with a great idea for a mobile app, the owner of an established SME or the manager of a large, multinational firm, React Native can be used to create the perfect mobile app for your brand.

What are the advantages of React Native?

Mobile app development has skyrocketed in recent years and the vast majority of people expect businesses to have a functional app available on all major platforms. Historically, however, mobile app development could be costly, time-consuming and challenging for businesses. With limited in-house resources, many companies struggled to build the apps they wanted. Unsure where to turn to for assistance, some businesses decided to forego having a mobile app altogether, whilst others opted for limited functionality and minimal usage.

With the introduction of React Native, however, mobile app development has become easier than ever. Suitable for any organization, it has made mobile app development a reality for all types of businesses and ensured that functionality doesn’t come at the cost of straightforward, swift development.

Minimizing the costs of mobile app development

As React Native apps can be built using a familiar framework, more developers are now able to offer app development as a service. As a result, companies can access top-quality apps for a fraction of their previous costs. Whilst developers possess a range of specialist knowledge and skills, they can now use these skills across mobile app development and not be restricted solely to web development. For companies, entrepreneurs and small businesses, this ensures that great apps can be obtained cost-effectively and in accordance with any budget.

Building cross-functionality apps

Android and iOS are the two biggest mobile platforms, which means most companies want to have an app that is available on both types of devices. Traditionally, this meant developing two apps to cater to the varying platforms. With React Native, however, apps can be developed for Android and iOS simultaneously. When using React Native to build an app, most of the code can be shared between these two platforms, which means only minor changes need to be made to reflect which platform it will be used on. For developers, this means faster mobile app development, and, for businesses, this means reduced mobile app development costs and increased turnaround times.

API Rendering

Although there are other cross-platform development applications out there, most of them rely on rendering via webviews. This differentiates apps and sets them apart from native mobile applications, particularly because it often prevents the app from accessing the platform’s native UI elements. However, React Native doesn’t work in the same way. Instead of restricting rendering the webviews, React Native uses the host’s standard rendering APIs. Mobile apps developed with React Native will not only perform in the same way as native apps they will also have access to the platform’s native UI elements, ensuring better functionality and UX experience.

Access to platform features

Whilst native apps usually have access to platform features, such as phone cameras, location services, etc., mobile apps built within applications typically do not. Clearly, this limits the capability of the app and prevents it from being as functional as you would like. With React Native, however, you get all the benefits of developing an app within an application, without the limitations. As React Native discloses JavaScript interfaces for the platform’s APIs, apps built with React Native can access the platform’s features.

Ultimately, React Native allows for faster mobile app development and increases the functionality of apps. Giving developers the scope to build mobile apps in languages and frameworks they’re already familiar with, it has opened the door to a flurry of new mobile app developers and ensured that brands can create functional, budget-friendly and user-friendly mobile apps.

Originally published at on August 12, 2019.

