Welcome to Syntx 2.0 🎉

JP Wallhorn
Syntx — News, Blog & Insights
4 min readDec 22, 2018

First of all, we want to say thank you to everybody who helped us make this year very special. We had a very successful start into our first year and couldn’t be happier with where we are at.

Since we started we focused on Digital Marketing as well as web/mobile app development. A lot of times those go hand in hand because for a well-performing ad campaign you need a fast, mobile and CTA optimized landing page. If you want to expand your horizon, you may need a mobile app or a brand new website to keep up with the user’s needs.

JP Wallhorn — We are growing 2X month over month

While that’s very true, we realized that we are really good at building end-to-end software applications especially when they involve React. Whether it’s ReactJS for websites, React Native for mobile applications or microservices built with NodeJS that are integrated into those applications. Last but not least, Salesforce is pushing very heavily on web components and JavaScript (especially React) within Salesforce and that’s a world that’s rapidly changing towards a more full-stack experience when you develop.

Having said that, we are very excited to announce that we are becoming a React-focused consulting company.

Better-Build React Solutions

We truly believe in the future of React and the advantages that it offers. Especially in the mobile space, we see cross-platforms such as React Native becoming very popular very quickly because it allows especially smaller companies to save a lot of money and get to market quickly without relying on two separate teams and having the necessary budget to publish apps on various platforms.

As we have mentioned, Salesforce is pushing more and more for integrations with other microservices and web applications within Salesforce. Their newly released web components allow replacing Lightning components and build custom pages fully in JavaScript while keeping the Salesforce look & feel.

New Website:

As part of our refresh, we have released a brand new website that’s lightning fast, informative, SEO friendly and obviously built on top of React. We actually leverage NextJS which is a great framework for Server-Side-Rendered React Applications. Currently, our hosting partner is Heroku and the DNS is managed through Cloudflare. It’s a very simple infrastructure setup that doesn’t require any major dev ops experience or involvement but still keeps everything secure.

Let’s talk numbers in terms of performance.

Old WordPress powered website


New React (NextJS) website

Oh btw. hosting is $7/mo instead of $50/mo as well.

Internally, we are currently working on unifying our complete CI/CD process whether it’s for internal apps or our customer’s apps. We are very excited to share our upcoming experience which brings us to the next topic.

New Logo:

With the new website and branding, we snuck in a new logo. It’s not completely new but some know it under the codename ‘Elliot’. Elliot is now our primary and will hopefully be uniquely recognized in the industry very soon.

Elliot becomes the new primary logo for Syntx

Community Involvement:

We have an exciting roadmap ahead that involves the community and teaching others to build great applications as well. We’ve started by presentations at the local Los Angeles JavaScript meetups about React and we will continue to push to teach, explore and collaborate with the open source community.

Slides: Introduction to React

Slides: Changes in React 16 (up to v16.6)

We have great content planned that involves React, Salesforce but also what to consider when planning new solutions to make sure they are robust and future-proof. Medium is an amazing platform and will hopefully help us to reach the right people.

If you are interested in any collaboration please contact us at hello@syntx.io

Swag & Apparel Store:

Last but not least, we launched our very own swag & apparel store! You can now officially support us. We started out with some initial T-Shirts for every gender and will be adding more very soon. We are looking to add Stickers and other apparel involving web and mobile app development.

Come check it out: Syntx Swag & Apparel Store

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© Syntx.io | Better-Built React Solutions | Consulting with success guarantee

