Introducing the Syscoin Ambassador Program

Alex Guerra
Syscoin Ambassadors
3 min readJun 29, 2022
Introducing our Syscoin Ambassador Program

The Syscoin core team is happy to announce the start of our Ambassador program where we focus on humanitarian efforts, Syscoin education, community and ecosystem growth. The program has been bootstrapped by the core team and improved over the last several months. Our goal now is to expand Syscoin’s presence across the world in a more intimate and dynamic way. Growing our already large and quality community will lead to an even more thriving ecosystem, a better world, and associated benefits for our project like the ability to leverage such a presence in negotiations and new partnerships.


An Ambassador is someone who is trail-blazing the growth of the global Syscoin ecosystem. The goal of Syscoin is to bring blockchain to the people in an inclusive way that builds community, educates and does good for our world.

We have a number of roles, bounties and tasks for ambassadors to complete and earn SYS rewards. There are also different levels of involvement for you to help play your part.


Community Builders

Ambassadors spread Syscoin in their location or country. Set up meets, moderate social media rooms, and share ideas on how to improve and grow the Syscoin community.

Content Creators

Spread the story of Syscoin through videos, podcasts or any other medium.


Help to keep the conversation going! We need moderators/admins in our channels who can interact with users to ensure a good experience for all.


Make Syscoin more accessible to all by breaking through language barriers! Being truly global means reaching all parts of the world and all types of languages.

Humanitarianism and Charity

Do you know who is in need of help? Syscoin is always looking to benefit the needy and provide relief to devastated or underprivileged areas worldwide. Be a liaison that plays a big role in making the world a better place to live.


Being an ambassador is not a full-time job, but we have a broad range of SYS rewards outlined for different types of contributors. Our goal is to create opportunities for those with a genuine desire to foster the Syscoin brand and ecosystem. Over everything, the goal of this community is to bring people together and do good inside and outside of the ecosystem.

Current Opportunities:

In the coming month we will have a dedicated page for ambassadors on In the meantime, here are some bounty reward opportunities where you can earn SYS.

  • Ambassador of the Month : Every month we will select 1 community member that exemplifies what being an ambassador is all about. Passionate, proactive and helpful, among other things. The Ambassador of the month will receive — 3000 SYS, swag, and a feature article about them on our ambassadors blog that is shared within the Syscoin community.
  • AMAs in foreign channels (100–1000 SYS)
  • Blogs on Rollux/Syscoin architecture (up to 500 SYS). Languages needed: Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Mandarin, French, and more.
  • Youtube video translation (up to 1000 SYS)
  • Local event (up to 3000 SYS)

Join our official telegram or discord to get started in our community. If you want to apply for a specific ambassador task fill out the form here.



