How to set up GitHub workflows and create GitHub Actions using Docker

In this article, we are going to learn how a GitHub workflow works and how to set them up. Also, we are going to create customized GitHub actions with ease using Docker.

Uday Hiwarale
System Failure
Published in
15 min readApr 13, 2020



This is going to be a rather difficult tutorial for me to write because there are a lot of concepts to go over such as Git, Docker, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD), GitHub Workflow, GitHub Actions, etc. I am assuming that you have some knowledge about these topics. Nevertheless, I will explain them briefly in layman’s terms.

How CI/CD works?

CI stands for continuous integration. In software development, generally, you have a central VCS repository per project like Git, hosted locally or remotely (on a platform such as GitHub). People who are working on the project commits there changes on development branches and give a merge/pull request to merge these changes to the production branch.

Though even if every single line of code ever committed to the project goes through a code review process, it’s not safe to merge code from the development branches to the production branch…

