System changer ? (Pt 1)

Systems Changers
1 min readSep 17, 2016


Could I be one?

I did not even know what the term system changer meant let alone know how to become one, but here I am.

The story so far …

A beautiful location in Oxfordshire, a group of strangers and a whole bunch of ideas.

We are system changers. Homelessness, mental health, gypsy and travellers, substance misuse, domestic abuse and ex offenders. These some of the areas in which we work.

Lankelly Chase have created this amazing collective and we are learning how we can start to influence change from the bottom up, putting our service users at the heart of what we do.

Back to Oxfordshire…

Introduction to the idea of of systems thinking , holistic thinking multiple perspectives, micro and macro, journey mapping … wow!

Not all of these concepts are completely new they are however being presented in a way that when applied to a complex ‘messy’ system such as social care appear to offer an opportunity to find flex and influence change.

My parting feeling as I leave the beauty of Oxfordshire and head back to the coal face is possibility.

Maybe just maybe I could be a system changer?

