The End of The Beginning?

Cath Stamper
Systems Changers
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2016

Today is the last day of the Lankelly Chase Systems Changers programme. Or is it? Maybe it’s actually simply the beginning of the next phase.

The programme has been challenging, scary, enlightening and very, very inspiring.

The people I’ve met are incredible. All doing jobs which drain them emotionally and yet they keep going, the focus in their eyes clear for all to see.

The course has taken me so far from my safe, warm and comfortable existence. I can’t really explain how I have felt other than at times a total sense of exhaustion.

But I know it is the beginning of something new. And emergence of new ideas, new ways of working and a new perspective on the way we support marginalised people.

I will miss the other participants and the crew who led the whole programme. Snook and The Point People have been astonishing. Holding us when we were struggling, celebrating our successes and helping us to believe in our abilities.

I am confident that this the start of something. I’m not sure what but giving power and belief to those actually doing the job is so empowering. My project is about re-writing long policies and procedures – to my total amazement, it is being received positively.

So although I will miss the structured sessions, the visits to relevant agencies, the wonderful evening get togethers and the random walks in the woods, I know I have gained so much.

The change in me will ripple across my organisation and hopefully out to a wider audience. Who knows where it will go.

But one thing I do know is that the change within me has spurred me on with a renewed energy and I am looking forward to the future.

Thank you my fellow Systems Changers and good luck in all you do!

