Where is the love?

Anna Birney
System Change Field Notes
2 min readOct 28, 2016

‘What’s wrong with the world… People killin’, people dyin’… people got me questionin’ Where is the love?’ Black Eyed Peas, Where is the love.

This song has been on my top list for the last decade, and likely to stay there, it sums up for me a core question and solution to some of the worlds deep rooted systemic challenges, seen today.. Terrorism, racism, hatred, war —from the rise of Trump, the Syrian crisis, the clearing of Calais migrants.

Updated video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsRMoWYGLNA.

I indeed feel the weight on my shoulders and am not sure where to start.

Perhaps we do need to reach deep into the truth of these conflicts that they are conflicts of relationships, power struggles between different ideals, different communities, races and ways of seeing the world. How might we address these complex issues — can love provide a solution?

This is why I will attend the Eros/power workshop next week to explore how we can bring love to the issues of power. A year ago I read two books — Eros/Power and Reinventing Organisations — both in their different ways trying to shift how we relate to each other… as individuals, in how we organise ourselves and all the relationships we hold… towards a systemic change and shift that is required to address these challenges.. This workshop brings together these two ideas.

In our team we have been experimenting with how we take forward some of these ideas, after next week I will write up my insights from this workshop and edit this blog…

Or join me and others to explore your own behaviour and how it might help your team, organisation or culture…. and the wider issues of the world.



Anna Birney
System Change Field Notes

Cultivating #systemschange | Leading School of System Change | Passion #inquiry #livingsystems #livingchange