Michael Piotrowski
System Soft Technologies
4 min readFeb 14, 2022

System Soft values its diverse and inclusive work environment. Join us as we honor the past, celebrate the present and are inspired by the endless achievements of Black Americans.

During February, the United States reveres Black History Month. Officially recognized in 1976, Black History Month has been an important time of acknowledgment every year since its inception.

This month celebrates the achievements of Black Americans in the past and present of our country, and their ongoing successes. It’s a month for recognizing their central role in U.S. history and their cultural contributions to technology and entrepreneurship.

As a minority-owned business, System Soft is privileged to observe the month, while remembering this affirmation must go beyond just this one span of time.

To commend Black History Month and the enduring story of Black history and excellence, System Soft is highlighting some of its own employees. Black History Month for employers is important to support diversity and inclusion and share stories of their employees’ lives and heritage.

In today’s post, System Soft is spotlighting Phoenix Wooldridge, a sales executive. Phoenix, who has been with System Soft since late 2021, has kindly answered seven questions about his career, life and heritage.

Here’s more about Phoenix in his own words.

Meet Phoenix Wooldridge, Sales Executive

What do you do at System Soft?

I’m responsible for developing strategic client relationships.

What three words best describes you?

Blessed, successful, driven.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month is a reminder to all Americans that their country would not be as wealthy and sustainable today if it were not for the innovation, hard work, intellect and courage of the Black Americans who came before us. There are so many to give credit to.

For me, because of the innumerable number of African Americans who dedicated their lives to change, Black History Month reaffirms the fact that I, a proud man of color, have no excuse to not impact my community, this nation and, ultimately, the world.

What influential Black role models do you look up to, and why?

My grandfather, David Wooldridge, was my role model growing up. He became the first-ever executive-level vice president at Motorola.

He never let his color define him. He believed he could do anything that he put his mind to. He also taught me that talent without work ethic means nothing.

The values he taught me through his actions have allowed me to become the man I always dreamed I would be. My grandfather was a bad dude!

One of System Soft’s core values is Diversity and Inclusion. Can you share an example of how System Soft embraces this value throughout the organization’s mission and initiatives?

To me, it’s deeper than that. System Soft doesn’t see race. All it cares about is that can you do the job. They hire the best talent regardless of gender or race and treat everyone with respect.

I’ve been in this field for many years and System Soft, by far and away, has the best culture that I’ve ever been around, and it’s not even close.

What moment in Black history influenced or shaped your career/life or one that resonates with you?

Black Wall Street, when segregation was at an all-time high. We, as a community, opened our own successful businesses.

That reaffirms I can be or do anything I put my mind to. The only thing that can stop me or anyone is self-limitation, which I don’t have and never will.

If you could have a conversation with a civil rights activist, who would it be, and why?

That’s easy. It would be Muhammad Ali.

He was so much more than an athlete. He used his talent to shine a light on social injustices that were happening to the African American community. His self-love was inspiring to all people of color. He grew up in a time when having curly hair, big lips and dark skin weren’t viewed as attractive to western society.

When he said, “I’m pretty,” some people saw that as arrogance. To me, he was shouting at the top of his lungs to love yourself. And to remember that God didn’t make a mistake when he created us.

Black History Month Journey on Social

Throughout the month, follow, interact and share this journey on System Soft’s blog and social media. There, System Soft will highlight famous quotes, fun facts and inspiring individual stories, and showcase those among System Soft’s team who make a difference.

See what’s on System Soft’s LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

On System Soft’s blog, other employees will be spotlighted (Rhakeem Garner), as we stay committed to our mission and core values, appreciating the support and kindness we give each other.

