National Hispanic Heritage Month Employee Spotlight: Krystal Caraballo

Michael Piotrowski
System Soft Technologies
4 min readSep 27, 2021

Each year — from September 15 to October 15 — throughout the United States, National Hispanic Heritage Month is commemorated. During four weeks of recognition, we celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens who have immigrated or have ancestry from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Hispanic Heritage Month History:

  • In 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson began this celebration with Hispanic Heritage Week.
  • 20 years later, President Ronald Reagan expanded it into a month-long observation.
  • Why a month-long celebration that doesn’t simply start from the beginning to end of one month?
  • The dates chosen are significant.
  • September 15 is the anniversary of independence for El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
  • Mexico and Chile’s independence days are celebrated, respectively, on September 16 and 18.

To honor this extraordinary month, System Soft Technologies will highlight some of our employees who are of Hispanic and Latino descent.

Meet Krystal Denisse Peraza Caraballo

In today’s post, we showcase Krystal Caraballo, a Digital Graphic Designer. She’s been part of the creative team at System Soft during the past year.

Here’s what Krystal has to say about her role:

“My role at System Soft is about making everything beautiful and eye catching in a creative way, and still look professional and in accordance with the company’s brand.”

Krystal graciously answered five questions about her career, life and heritage. So, here’s more about Krystal in her own words.

What does National Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you?

To me, celebrating NHHM is a way to help others see how big and essential our community is around the United States and the world. And educate others about our culture and things we have accomplished in history and nowadays.

It’s a way to make stereotypes disappear from the eyes of non-Hispanic people and changing their perspectives.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself, as it relates to your heritage.

I was born in Puerto Rico and moved to Florida in late 2017. And back then, I was so focused on landing a great design career that I did not realize how much I’d be missing all Puerto Rican food, especially my abuela Lucy’s dishes. And how loud we are at family gatherings!

I truly would give anything to have that at least once a month. Nothing can ever compare to that!

Bonus Fun Fact: I don’t have a nickname, but some of my friends call me by my last name and some cousins have called me Tatá (father or daddy) since we were kids.

Who or what would you say was your greatest influence for your career?

I’d say my parents and grandparents have been a big influence. Ever since they learned I got accepted into art school, they have been super supportive and understanding of what I want. This helped me realize how passionate I am about art and design.

At one point, I wanted to switch my career from designer to veterinarian. They freaked out, of course!. “This kid has gone crazy,” my dad would say.

But they did hear me out. I finally decided to finish design and, in the future, find a way to study for being a vet, even if I don’t follow that career path. I love animals, and I want to learn more about them.

Being in a Hispanic family means everyone has a say in whatever you do with your life, even if at the end you choose what makes you the happiest. It’s something you grow to understand. It’s not that they want to control you, they just care a lot and want to let you know.

In your opinion, what challenges remain for Hispanic Americans today and how can understanding history help us overcome them?

It’s 2021 and sometimes I am surprised by the horrors I see on social media against Hispanic communities, along with other communities. Why is this still happening?

I feel grateful that I have never been in that position or in any similar situation. But I will not lie when I say that I dread the day that it happens.

I think people should just educate themselves about the Hispanic community, about our history, about the things we do, maybe get involved in a friendly relationship with a Hispanic neighbor or visit any local Hispanic store and learn that we are just people like them with different customs and cultures. We only ask to be respected, as we respect others.

What does it mean to you that System Soft celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month?

I cannot say or emphasize this enough. I am very content and grateful for having found a company like System Soft.

This is the first time my Hispanic heritage has been acknowledged in a work environment. And for that I am truly grateful.

I have felt and seen firsthand that it doesn’t matter where you’re from, your race or orientation, because at System Soft, we are all treated as equals and, more importantly, as family. I couldn’t ask for a better company culture.

Hispanic Heritage Month Journey on Social

Throughout the month-long celebration, follow and interact with System Soft’s commemorative journey on our social media. Across our platforms, we will highlight famous quotes, fun facts, infographics and inspirational stories.

See what’s on our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

On our blog, we will spotlight other System Soft employees who are part of the Hispanic and Latino communities, as we stay committed to our mission and core values, appreciating the support and kindness we give each other.

