What are rate limiters?

SystemDesign.us Blog
5 min readSep 24, 2022

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Rate limiters are systems that control the rate of traffic going in and out of a network. They help ensure the fair usage of resources and prevent denial-of-service attacks.

In general, there are two types of rate limiters: input-based and output-based. Input-based rate limiters control the rate of traffic coming into a network, while output-based rate limiters control the rate of traffic going out of a network.

Input-based rate limiters are often used to protect servers from being overloaded by too much traffic. Output-based rate limiters are typically used to prevent users from consuming too much bandwidth.

Rate limiters can be implemented in hardware, software, or a combination of both. Hardware-based rate limiters are usually found in routers and firewalls. Software-based rate limiters can be implemented in operating systems or application-level software.

When configuring a rate limiter, there are several factors to consider, such as the maximum rate, the minimum rate, the burst size, and the time period. The maximum rate is the maximum allowed traffic flow, while the minimum rate is the minimum allowed traffic flow. The burst size is the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a short period of time, typically within a few seconds. The time period is the length of time over which the rates are averaged.

Rate limiters can be used to control traffic on an individual basis or on a group basis. Individual rate limiters are usually used to control the traffic of specific users or devices. Group rate limiters are typically used to control the traffic of entire groups, such as all users in a particular organization.

Rate limiting is an important tool for managing network traffic and resources. It can help prevent denial-of-service attacks and ensure the fair usage of resources. When configuring a rate limiter, it is important to consider the maximum and minimum rates, the burst size, and the time period. Rate limiters can be used to control traffic on an individual or group basis.

What Are the Algorithms Used for Rate Limiting?

There are three primary algorithms used for rate limiting: fixed window, leaky bucket, and sliding window.

Fixed window rate limiting is the simplest algorithm and works by allowing a fixed number of requests per time period. This time period is typically configurable and is often set to one second. Once the limit is reached, all subsequent requests are rejected until the next time period.

Leaky bucket rate limiting is similar to fixed window rate limiting but instead of rejecting all requests after the limit is reached, it allows a certain number of requests to leak through per time period. The size of the leak can be configured, as well as the time period.

Sliding window rate limiting is the most complex algorithm and works by keeping track of the number of requests made in a sliding window of time. The size of the window is configurable and is typically set to one second. Once the limit is reached, all subsequent requests are rejected until the beginning of the next window.

Which algorithm is used for rate limiting depends on the specific needs of the system. Fixed window rate limiting is simple to implement but can lead to bursty traffic patterns. Leaky bucket rate limiting prevents bursts but can allow some request delays. Sliding window rate limiting prevents both bursts and delays but is more complex to implement.

What Are the Main Benefits of Rate Limiting?

Rate limiters can help prevent denial-of-service attacks by rate limiting the traffic coming into a network. This can ensure that legitimate traffic is not blocked by malicious traffic. Rate limiters can also be used to control access to resources. For example, an organization may want to rate limit the number of requests that users can make to an API in order to prevent abuse. Additionally, rate limiters can be used for metering purposes. For example, a company may charge customers based on the number of requests they make to an API. Rate limiters can also be used to guarantee performance. For example, a company may want to rate limit the number of requests that users can make to an API in order to ensure that the API is always responsive. Finally, rate limiters can be used to ensure availability. For example, a company may want to rate limit the number of requests that users can make to an API in order to prevent the API from being overloaded and unavailable.

Rate limiting is a powerful tool for managing network traffic and resources. It offers extra security, access control, metering for APIs, guarantees performance, and ensures availability. When configuring a rate limiter, it is important to consider the maximum and minimum rates, the burst size, and the time period. Rate limiters can be used to control traffic on an individual or group basis.

What Are the downsides of Rate Limiting?

There are several downsides to rate limiting that should be considered before implementing it. First, rate limiting can lead to increased latency. This is because requests that are rejected by the rate limiter will have to wait until the next time period in order to be processed. This can cause delays for legitimate users who are trying to access a resource. Additionally, rate limiting can cause false positives. This is when legitimate traffic is mistakenly identified as malicious and rejected by the rate limiter. Finally, rate limiting can be bypassed. This is because attackers can simply make multiple requests from different IP addresses in order to bypass the rate limit.

Despite these downsides, rate limiting is still a useful tool for managing network traffic and resources. When configuring a rate limiter, it is important to consider the maximum and minimum rates, the burst size, and the time period. Rate limiters can be used to control traffic on an individual or group basis.

If you’re considering implementing rate limiting, weigh the pros and cons carefully to decide if it’s the right solution for your needs.

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