Making Waves for Social Innovations and Systems Change

Mikael Seppälä
Systems Change Finland


Systems Change Finland was one of the co-organisers of the Waves Summit on 15.9.2022 at the Miltton House which was put together Ashoka Nordic. Here’s what it was all about:

Waves is a one-day hybrid summit that brings together our society’s forces of change, actors committed to social innovation and systems change: changemakers, innovators, academia, impact entrepreneurs, private and public actors, and investors.

Waves summit creates a platform for increased collaboration across sectors, encouraging everyone to take part in accelerating the creation of a sustainable future. If you are passionate about learning new ideas and tools in addition to connecting with people interested in tackling the most significant challenges we face, Waves is for you.

We hear keynote speeches, presentations, panel discussions, take part in workshops as well as connect, network and enjoy each other’s company.

The Waves Summit helped Systems Change Finland get some visibility among the community and to do that we introduced our new roll-up which was made by Dora Hietavirta.

Dora, Iina and Gunta from the SCF gang introducing the new roll-up.

Systems Change Finland people also organized a pair of workshops in the Waves Summit.

Gunta Krumina, Dora Hietavirta, Iina Santamäki and Kari Mikkelä hosted an online session on Introducing systems thinking tools for changemakers. You can watch it here:

If you want to learn more about the topic, check the handout on great resources the team compiled. The slides from the introduction to Systems Thinking session can be found here:

Zeynep Falay von Flittner (Board Member of Systems Change Finland and Jari Ala-Ruona (Co-founder of Oxygen ry) hosted an online workshop on: “What do changemakers need to flourish?”. You can watch that here:

Also during the event Markus Vähälä from Kukunori ry and a board member at Systems Change Finland also did some research into the well-being of innovators, the results of which you can read here:

The activities did not end at the event but Zeynep and Jari organized an follow-up reflection session based on the topic of their workshop on Tuesday 11.10.2022 regarding what changemakers need to flourish.

We’re exploring the opportunity to organize another Waves Summit in 2023 so also make sure to tune in next year!

Interested to learn more about Systems Change Finland and about how to join our community?

Systems Change Finland seeks to cultivate a society that can deal with systemic and complex challenges. The purpose of Systems Change Finland is to promote the application of approaches that help people, organizations and society understand and work with systems and complexity.

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Mikael Seppälä
Systems Change Finland

📈 Project Manager #InnovationManagement & #Ecosystems @LaureaUAS | ⚡️ @systemschangefi #SystemsChange | 🔥 #SystemsThinking #Complexity