What is OpenNMT? 2 : OpenNMT Project

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1 min readJul 3, 2018

In previous post, we introduce two translation method used in translation model these days ; SMT and NMT And we also suggest Pros and cons of them.

Now you are ready to understand the concept of OpenNMT.

OpenNMT is an open source initiative for NMT( Neural Machine Translation) and neural sequence modeling.

This system is designed to be simple to use and easy to extend, while maintaining efficiency and accuracy.

OpenNMT was originally developed by harvardnlp, and major source contribution and support come from SYSTRAN.

Anyone who has expertise in These areas can easily participate this project to fix the bugs or develop the system

Also, Anyone who need this tech for the advance in their industrial areas can easily use OpenNMT

In sum, This project contribute to both academic and industrial areas by removing restrictions and barriers with open source mechanism.

This project is growing up by many passionate participants even at this moment.

Without doubt, It will change our world dramatically.

For more information, Check our website!

