Average recruitment cycle is 4 weeks, Sytac does it in 7 working days

Denis Zisman
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2020

After you attend a few interviews, you will experience one or all of the following. The interview that had one too many people involved in the process, the interview which asked you to jump through flaming hoops, and a couple more interviews than actually necessary. If a company’s recruitment cycle takes too long they risk losing candidates. Which is why at Sytac we strive to keep our recruitment under 7 days.

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

At Sytac we aim to conduct the interview in the most convenient way possible for the candidate. That means an interview by Video chat, phone, or even in person outside working hours. By accommodating the needs and surrounding of the candidates, it allows the recruiter to book a time to talk to the candidates as soon as possible while adapting to the candidates’ preferences.

After the introductory meeting, the part of the process which takes the longest is waiting for the candidate to complete our technical assignment. We have chosen to use Hackerrank and crafted the technical questions so they assess all the requirements needed from our clients under 3 hours.

Another bottleneck is processes. Many companies have too many people involved before a contract is signed. It needs to go through a series of approvals; department manager — to confirm there is room for another teammate, finance to make sure that there is the budget, legal — to make sure that everything is legally binding if any clauses have been added or changed, and HR to review it one last time iron out the contract from any other mistakes. Every department has other tasks on their plates and unfortunately a candidate’s contract is not their first priority. More annoyingly is when one person from the chain does not approve because of a typo, budget, or any other reasons, that leads to the chain having to start from the beginning.

At Sytac our back office is small and we got rid of a series of approvals. We all work under one typical Dutch house on 2 different floors. By having such a small closely knit team, that helps us to keep our lines of communication short and our processes streamlined.It takes up to a maximum two working days to send out contracts. When a new contract needs to be drawn up there is always only three people involved and only 2 approvals are needed. The first person involved is the recruiter who drafts up the contract the same day or the next day after the final tech interview. The second step and first approval needs to come from the recruitment manager who approves the room to grow by another hire, and HR who approves budgets, legalities, and reviews the contract one last time before to make

Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

And that’s it! We really do not see the need to tell candidates “ We will get back to you by the end of next week”. We know what we are looking for and what we are not looking for. We will give you feedback the next day regardless of the outcome. You have spent several hours on us, the least we could do is spend some time giving you constructive feedback, you may have not gotten a job at Sytac, but we hope our feedback will help you get the next job!

