Summer Camp: Open Source Village:

Dikshan Kharel
Published in
6 min readAug 30, 2017

Make changes in rural areas through Fablab digital manufacturing

Longevity spirit of Shenzhen open innovation laboratory

“Open source village — Beehive” background:

The Western sculpture “walking people” painted in China’s rice paper is the open source of Chinese and Western art, the Sphinx and Chinese Confucius together is the open source of Western culture, and a spider-shaped female robot disciples in mutual learning from each other, is the open source of human and machine.

At the same time, rural areas can not only open their own construction, but also to the whole of China’s rural areas open. The smallest unit of Chinese culture — the village open to the future world, open source village was born. The open source manufacturing workshop inside the village, to carry out rural fan-marathon, so that they can build fans for energy, construction, agriculture, cultivation development. From hardware to software, from knowledge sharing systems to new copyright systems, they want to build a global open source village network.

“Open source village — Beehive” 10-day summer camp led by the US instructor, led four high school students personally into the open source village, and let them make a smart Beehive, put it on the open space of the village, Beehive in the activities of the environment and process, the open source will be injected into the practice of action.

Jason Hilgefort — Director of the International Program, Dean of UABB School, Jason Hildeffford studied urban planning and design at the University of Cincinnati in the United States and studied a master’s degree in architecture at the University of British Columbia. He has worked in New York (Ehrenkrantz Eckstut and Kuhn), Los Angeles (Behnisch Architects), Mumbai (Rahul Mehrotra of GSD) and other places. Jason won the award at the 11th European Young Architects Competition in Vienna. In addition, he joined the FUR (Future Urban Area) project. At the same time, he is also the author of the uncube magazine “architectural and beyond” column.

Let’s take a look at the results of the students

Four students together assembled smart Beehive
The bee moved into the new smart beehive
Measurement of smart beehive temperature and humidity data

DAY 1: 2D design

Learning the use of 2D design software, basic teaching, including simple graphic design, cutting and engraving distinction, tenon fixed universal method; simple design of small products, and through the laser cutting machine to design corrugated board or billet board cut out.

Watching the students focus on learning, object created using laser cutting machine and also cute and lovely Pikachu

DAY 2: 2D and 3D design

Try to combine 2D and 3D design methods to design a comprehensive work

The teacher taught the students to design a model of a car
Students use their own imagination to model design

DAY 3: Introduction to the Internet Development Board

Arduino installation; Arduino installation and configuration; Arduino programming example application; remote control; how to integrate intelligent hardware and beehive

At the beginning of the class, teacher let the students see the relevant video.
In the picture, the manipulator pen is written on paper. Kinda cool!
Carefully study how to install

Development of Internet of Things — Sensor Applications

How to really use the development board to control a variety of sensors; the course of the sensor will be combined into the Beehive (such as the installation of temperature / humidity sensor, remote data transmission, video surveillance hardware control).

DAY 4: American Tutor explains the architectural design foundation

The structure of the building, including the construction of the bridge, including the mechanical properties of the principle and the basic way of introduction; from shallow to deep, from simple to complex (such as from the evolution of wood bridges to the development of wood houses, and then to the complex Reinforced concrete structure of high — rise buildings)

Opening to meet each other
Classmates and American tutors are happy to communicate
American teacher Jason tells the story of architecture and the city’s association and characteristics

Key words and purpose of open source village intelligent Beehive project

Introduce the development of Aker; introduce the meaning and purpose of Aker Beehive project.

Tutor for everyone to explain the open source village
We sit around a group of topics to discuss and express their views

DAY 5: Research Huizhou Xinguang Village

To the village research; planning Beehive project installation site location; smart Beehive in the actual natural environment also need to consider what factors.

Visit the beekeeping’s traditional beehive
Investigate the natural environment of the village

DAY 6: Visit traditional bee farm

Bee farmer responsible for Mr. Liu for everyone to explain the knowledge of beekeeping
Close show the status of bee jelly
A bee field

DAY 7: Making the main structure of the Beehive

Woodcut cutting animation demo

Students themselves hands-on production, installation;

Students work together to lift the board
Watch how to operate the cutting board
The students are ready to cut the board
Carefully trimmed the edge of the board
Will cut a good wood for subsequent drilling

The final production and perfection of Beehive project

Tutor teaching intelligent Beehive hardware programming and application, including the temperature / humidity sensor settings and matching or photosensitive control intelligent lighting fill light system; teaching how to use existing knowledge to enrich the improvement of intelligent Beehive.

Quiet and concentrate on improving the improvement of smart beehive settings

DAY 8-DAY 9: Enrich and improve intelligent Beehive

Students self-adapted to install smart beehive, integrity test; on-site installation of intelligent beehive.

Delicate adhesive tape
Check the test device
Work together to assemble intelligent beehive
Place the smart beehive in the village
The bees moved into the new home
Can be measured to follow the temperature and humidity and other data

Pay tribute to social innovation

Through this “open source village — smart Beehive” summer camp practice, we not only made the Beehive innovation, but also convey an open source spirit.

Open source village of deity is actually the global village, they really do not build a physical rural, land of rural areas, more is the mind of the whole earth.

In the future we will continue to write the global village, the public a more sustainable, ecologically beautiful way of life.

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